Friday, August 5, 2016

Boy Scout Motto

Be Positive?!
I was a Boy Scout––and prior to that a Cub Scout––for over ten years;
I learned a lot: how to hold a knife, pitch a tent, climb mountains, cook in high altitudes, flirt with boys, and Be Prepared.
I can’t remember if be “Be Positive” is one of the Scout motto’s or not––but it should be.
I spent the better part of my twenties over-planning, worrying too much, and trying to force “life” to happen.
I’m so grateful that as I continue my journey as an artists and human being, that I’m learning the true meaning of life: Be Present.
To remain aware in each moment––a skill that requires positivity.
Regardless of the set back or situation, a positive mind set enables me to focus on the moment at hand; this in turn provides me with the ability to achieve my goals and stay committed to my resolutions.
The Boy Scouts taught me to Be Prepared––Faith has taught me that no amount of preparation will serve me better than a positive approach to living in the present.

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