Friday, November 30, 2012

Hard To Say Goodbye...

Airports have always marked bittersweet moments in my life-
I hate saying goodbye. Especially to my family.
I remind myself to be grateful that I got to say hello, but that doesn't really ease the blow.
Nevertheless, today marks the day that my mom and her husband return home.
It's also my last day at the Yoga center I practice at. The company sold and I'm unsure they'll reopen-
So it's a double whammy!
Obviously saying farewell to mom is much more difficult, but not being able to find my Zen moment to get through it isn't enjoyable either!
Oh well, life goes on...
I look forward to seeing my mom again as soon as I can, and I love yoga, so I imagine I'll find my way!
The picture is of mom, Steve, Jeff and me at breakfast before the airport drop-off.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Art of Release

Wake up-
Pit in stomach,
Roll over. Look out window and see a rainy, depressing, grey LA...
Realize you have two options;
Give into the pit and have a shitty day (while your family is in town visiting)
Release the ball of nervous, fear and pretend the rain is snow and you're in a beautiful cabin in Aspen.
Obviously I'm choosing option three:
Deep breath in, yoga, Starbucks and a shot of delusional optimistic hope.
I'm going to enjoy the time I have today with my mom.
If you're not living in the moment, you're dying in the moment!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Can't stop the urge to obsess!
Trying to enjoy a week with my family-
Why do I stress unimportant issues?!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Zen Moment...

The pure energy and light you feel at the end of a beautiful yoga practice...
It's like my body, mind and soul found heaven on earth!

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Visit From Mom and Steve...

Calls for Drinks at Marix!
I'm so happy they're in town for the week-
I can tell we're gonna have fun...

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Woke up to pain in the brain-
Chugged three cups of coffee followed by an Advil chaser.
Closed my eyes to meditate the tension away...
So far, no luck!
Hoping that this hot tub is going to do the trick-
If not, I'm going back to bed.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dinner With Kids

Eating dinner with children is always an adventure.
I always forget how loud it gets-
How much energy it takes,
The glares from others.
The dangers of silverware within reach.
The need for;
Spill proof glasses,
Ordering food early,
Having games, iPhones, magic tricks etc... etc... etc... To entertain!
The ability to eat your food cold, because you have to take them to the restroom...
The joy that overcomes you when they pass out in the booth and you can enjoy dessert.
Dinner with kids is an experiment in patience.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I have a lot to be thankful for this year-
Aside from my health, family and friends, I'm so grateful for the wonderful opportunities that continue to manifest when I'm least suspecting.
But what I was most thankful for was this moment in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade earlier today!
I'm sure this will bring me years of laughter.
(P.S. I'm not an evil monster, I just enjoy a good laugh when people fall but don't give up the good fight!) 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Family Dinner!

I love family dinner-
Much different than when I was growing up...
We no longer have the luxury of gathering around the table every night.
Everyone lives so far apart.
But when we come together, it's always a joyous time.
Last night my aunt Susie and uncle Don visited Los Angeles with their friends-
I was grateful that we got to meet up with them for dinner before they return home.
It was the perfect Thanksgiving warm-up!
I wish we could gather more often, but happy to celebrate when we can.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I find that stress disappears when I stop worrying.
I get a lot more accomplished when I'm not overwhelmed-
So perhaps I should release, relax and remember...
I have a wonderful life.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Celebrity Love on Twitter

I love when a celebrity that you've poked fun at in a parody, responds with a positive reaction!  It's thrilling to know that they can laugh at themselves and the outlandish situations they get into during the course of their "reality."
Here's a nice Tweet from Kyle Richards (who I play in our parody of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't Sleep...

What do you do when you've finished a long day of rehearsal and you have a 4 AM airport call time?
You go to a midnight showing of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II... Naturally!
It sounded like a great idea. However, making your way through security at an International airport is a lot easier with sleep!
Once again I am reminded that wild adventures (like midnight movies with popcorn and soda) should be left to the experts!
i.e. Teenagers and insomniacs!

Friday, November 16, 2012

The End Of An Era!

Death of the Twinkie!
Hostess Inc. - The company that has served America's elementary schoolchildren, Stoners and fatties deliciously artificial sweet snacks for generations, filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Apparently we learn several things;
First, health experts were wrong. These snacks would not survive a nuclear fallout, since they can't even endure a factory strike.
Two, perhaps Unions aren't as effective as they once were.
Three, a losing paying job is better than no job at all. (18,000 people will be jobless.)
Finally, our children's children will never understand the magic of ripping into that plastic wrap to enjoy a FULLY hydrogenated after school treat!
Never fear, obesity will find a way!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big Day

The work is done-
The foundation is poured.
Now it's in the hands of others.
Trust in my faith that everything manifests as it is supposed to.
Release control and mediate with positive energy.
Today might be the moment my life takes on a new adventure.
I'm surrounded by blessings and brilliant history;
I hope that today is the game changer!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Christmas Spirit!

I know, I know-
Every year America gets bombarded with Christmas Cheer earlier and earlier!
This year, I actually saw a Christmas commercial BEFORE Halloween...
I guess when you live in a world consumed with Free Enterprise, we're going to be forced into excessive tactics around the holidays.
Like I always say... If you can't beat them, join in on the Merry!
While I hold dear the true meaning of Christmas, and celebrate Jesus, I enjoy the beautiful holiday spirit that is impossible to ignore.
So we decorated our house to welcome the season!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

List Obsessed

It's 8 AM and I've already crossed four things off my "To Do" list today!
Granted, writing in my journal, shaving and eating breakfast really don't belong on a list to begin with.
I have a serious addiction. It just feels so wonderful to see things getting crossed off!
It's probably good that I go to yoga every morning...
Not just for my body and health,
But for my mind and spirit too!
I can workout while meditating.
And I actually forget about the list.
Okay- now I've finished my Blog entry for the day... So I can cross that off and get to yoga!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Remember that you are only as productive as your focus allows you to be.
Clear mind and open heart welcomes new opportunities to imagine.
I am surrounded by creative energy-
Release the challenges and welcome the possibilities!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Drive Through The Canyon...

Strong breeze whips past,
Sunshine beaming through the deeply rooted trees,
The smell of a morning fire lingers in the crisp, clear air.
Beautiful houses that complement the mountain side...
I love driving through the canyons in the Hollywood Hills.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Still On Cloud Nine...

Delighted at the reaction.
Smile from ear to ear.
Every small victory is a leap in the right direction.
Live in this moment and trust that the future is bright.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Love A Good Quote!

When life is challenging, frustrating or overwhelming,
I always draw inspiration from people that have been through a similar experience.
I love quotes, because they're simple one persons outlook on a situation that stirred up 
enough emotion to release their fear into a creative expression.
Today I'm in need of a reminder...
"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
-Joseph Campbell
Ten years ago I thought I fully understood that sentence. However, today I accept it on a new level!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The election is over.
Yet the anger and fear continues to grow.
A country divided.
But I have faith that the blind will see.
We're all in search for acceptance and Equality.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

I'm so grateful that I'm blessed to live in a country where our voice is heard and everyone is free to vote their heart.
Even if the guy they're voting for is wrong!
I'll still LOVE my friends across the aisle... As much as their candidates loves gay people.
...just kidding.
My love is unconditional!
Now go VOTE!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow's The Day

The nation is anxious.
Each of us faces an incredible decision--
Do I vote for Equality?
Do I vote for a man who believes that he will one day have his own planet with many spirit wives?
Is this a trick question?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Climb

I feel like I've been holding out a Base Camp long enough.
I'm ready for the climb!
I know the trail will be rocky,
But the view from the summit will be worth the work.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Melissa and Marc's Wedding Adventure

After 14 years,
The time has come!
They tied the knot,
And we had FUN!
A lot if laughter,
PLENTY of tears...
The dream was fulfilled after MANY years!

Friday, November 2, 2012


I've noticed that during my darkest hours, just as I begin to really lose hope and faith-
A flicker of light appears.
The most wonderful flicker of inspiration illuminates my soul and reminds me that I am blessed.
I wake up every day, living the life that I've dreamed about since I was a child.
I'm on an adventure and there is no ride that doesn't have a few free falls before another awesome climb!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November... Election Time! ...Thank God!

November is here!
Tis the season...
To get out and vote,
I can't wait until this election is over.
I'm sick of defending my choice for Equality-
Listening to people talk about the economy.
Interesting, the economy didn't seem to bother them when Bush was running the country.
Oh yes, because they were all caught up in going to war!
To protect our OIL... I mean Freedom.
Four more days.
Then on to more enjoyable Fall festivities.