Saturday, February 28, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Another Airport

The shuttle is late,
The people are rude—cramming themselves to the front of the line,
And the TSA is out of control.
Just another day on the job!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Open Note To Haters

Allowing someone else's doubt to dictate my life isn't going to work for me.
I can't be concerned with your thoughts––I have plenty of my own thank you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

To Do Lists:

Crossing things off my "To Do" list always feels good;
Realizing once that happens, I have ten more things to do, doesn't.
It's like a vending machine––sure you buy the bag of chips, but the second the bag drops, another one is right there waiting.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Life On Tour

4AM wake-up call: Gross.
TSA Pre-check: Not gross.
No line at Starbucks: Priceless.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


It's early, and I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night.
I sit typing on my computer as a way of waking my brain and inspiring creativity.
It's not always intelligent or inspirational––but when I set goals, I get things accomplished.  No matter how insignificant they may seem.
Focused, steady, determined and balanced.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

You CAN Do Everything!

When you're short on time,
You have to shine brighter!
Making the most of every situation––balanced and confident.
I always strive for excellence, even when I only have three minutes to achieve it.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Winter In LA

Lounging by the pool-
Sun radiates the blue skies;
The hot tub's calling!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Caution: Habits Are Forming

The year starts off with a bang;
Intentions are set and goals are met daily.

You find your pace,
A new routine is choreographed.

The dance becomes comfortable;
You start to relax into the groove.

Mid-way into the second song,
You realize you're behind the count.
It's too soon to lose the rhythm.

Be careful of the corners you cut while dancing;
Habits are forming.

Monday, February 16, 2015

5, 6, 7, 8 Write!

Give a dancer a count off and they take action.
Regardless of what it is, a dancer is ready and willing to attempt the challenge.
I'm sitting at my computer, staring at a blank page––working on my next book.
The problem isn't a lack of stories or where to begin; it's finding the time to do everything.
I pride myself on being exceptional at making lists and getting things done, but right now I feel overwhelmed with lists.
The walls in my office look like that cliché scene from any TV show or movie with the crazy serial-whatever who is tracking down alien-govenment conspiracy-missing children.
I always thought writer's block derived from a lack of creativity or inspiration, but now I'm pretty sure mine developed because it's so hard to block out any time for writing!
Which explains why I have so many notes on the wall (and my iPhone app) that say: write about "_____" when you have time.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

When You're Annoyed...

You have two options:
Do something about it.
Sit and complain.
Right now I'm enjoying what I call the "stewing" process––where I let the issue build up until I have to "do something about it."

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Waking Up

Waking up without coffee is like shaving without cream;
If you don't want to be irritated or cut, I wouldn't recommend it!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Travel Day

When traveling to a cold climate from a beautiful balmy location;
Bring a warm coat, a beanie and a positive attitude:
I'm positive I'd rather be at the beach.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Beauty of Aging

When people would piss me off in my twenties;
I reacted instantly with a sharp tongue that was more emotionally damaging than a brutal attack in a lions cage at a zoo.
When people piss me off in my thirties;
I take a deep breath, and decide if I want to invest the emotionally energy in giving a shit about their sad pathetic insecurities.  Then I calmly respond with one short sentence:
I'm sorry you feel that way, I disagree with your stance so let's call it a tie.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'm Up!

Waking up is either the easiest or hardest part of my day.
It's one of the only "black or whites" in my life;
I don't know how I can wake up at 6AM on a Monday and feel like I'm on top of the world––and by Wednesday I want to commit a felony crime against my alarm clock!
But here I sit at my computer screen, trying to be creative...
My fingers are typing through the motions, and my brain is like, "does any of this even make sense?"  Meanwhile, I really don't care.
I'm just thrilled that I didn't stay in bed like the lazy, lump I want to be;
I got up and I'm ready to be me!

Monday, February 9, 2015

My Grammy Rant

Madonna is no longer an innovator––she is a cliché.
#NotHelpingWomen #PerpetuatingTheSterotypeSheCreated

Sunday, February 8, 2015

YoGaOT To Compare...

The sweat gushes into my eyes as I make my way from warrior three back to one leg-mountain pose.  My standing leg is on fire and my foot feels like I spent three weeks hiking through the wilderness in a pair of boots that were a size too small.  The room is 90 degrees and we're only half way through the practice.
It feels like torture, and I love it!
Just when it feels like my leg is going to melt, the yogi encourages us to continue to breath through it––or not.
Wait, what?
She continues, "...Yoga is not about accomplishing a pose.  Yoga is you. There is no right or wrong. Don't compare yourself to anyone else in the room.  Accept where you're at and if you can't breath through it, drop down to child's pose and let it go."
That's my problem with society now, we're afraid to compete with one another. If something feels uncomfortable we give up.  We've become so brainwashed to believe that it's okay to accept mediocracy.
I get it, yoga is a zen thing...
I practice to better myself.  To become more evolved: mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  Remind me how that's supposed to happen without pushing myself?  Which by the way, involves having a point of contact to compare my success.
I'm just saying...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Life Lesson No. "Who's Keeping Track?!"

I will continue to set goals that are inline with my dreams;
Leaving room for the surprises that shape my life.
Every twist and turn on my journey creates growth, opportunity and adventure.
There is nothing I cannot overcome with Faith, hard work, creativity, laughter and fearlessness.
Life is too short to live any other way.

Friday, February 6, 2015

After Yoga––Low Energy

At some point, I'm going to have to shower off the yoga and dress for success.
It's Friday and I've got a world to conquer!
As soon as I check Facebook one more time...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Addicted To The Internet

Hi, my name is Matthew.
I'm on my computer more than I'm in my bed.
I don't feel good about that––but I'm afraid to change.
What happens if I don't post a status update every two hours,
Or share my latest Instagram pic,
Even worse, what if I miss an important email with a job offer that I only have ten minutes to respond to?
The fear is real, the addiction is true.
I think it's time to unplug for a few days!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015

America's Favorite Holiday...

Is not Christmas, Easter or even Independence Day––it's The Super Bowl.
I wouldn't be surprised if more people prayed today than on any other day.
I"m joking.  But not really.