Friday, February 28, 2014

Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Even Though I Know We Need You.)

The rain fall heavy through the night,
No doubt we need the moisture in Los Angeles.
It brings a darkness that's not familiar here-
A gloomy depression that I remember very well from my time in New York.
I'm in a bad mood.
It could be left over frustration from a disagreement with a friend at a dinner party.
Or, maybe because my puppies were terrified of the violent weather outside, and hence kept me up all night long.
Either way, I hate the rain.
Some people love it, I loath it.  That's why I moved back to LA.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bad Day? No Problem!

Whenever I wake up in a bad mood,
I like to dress my puppies up in ballet costumes and turn on hip-hop music.
Animals really are therapeutic...
Especially in a pink tutu!

Monday, February 24, 2014

No Shame #Starbucks

I've reached an all time low in my shamelessness!

Desperate for MORE caffeine-

I took the empty Starbucks cup I had from the Tulsa airport, to the Starbucks in the Phoenix airport and asked for a refill! 

The barista couldn't believe how shameless I was, but "admired my balls" and upgraded me to a Soy Latte!

That's what happens when you just don't give a shit!  

Sunday, February 23, 2014


My tired eyes hurt,

The sleepless nights are brutal.

Late night snacks don't help!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014


Running into the #DanceMoms on my way to judge in Oklahoma...

So random and yet so perfect!

I always smile when God sends a sign like that.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Starbucks Is Educational

You can learn a lot about a person while waiting  in line at Starbucks.

Divorce, cheating and movie making are all a part of the gossip-

But my favorite are those people who cut you off and jump the line..

Those are the same assholes who cut you off on the freeway!

So thanks you Starbucks, for the education.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

When In Doubt, Take Action!

The only way to overcome fear and doubt is to take ACTION!
There is nothing on this earth that can not be solved with positive energy and work.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Daily Reminder:

It is not enough to say, "I have Faith" and then sit back and wait-
Action is required on my part every second, every minute, every hour, of every day.
Fight when I need to fight. Listen when I need to hear. Speak when I need to be heard.  Release when I can't change the situation. Smile through it all.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Act Your Age!

I'm not sure which makes me sound older:
That I sat in cushy box seats during a rock concert last night,
The fact that I just referenced a Paul Simon / Sting concert as "rock!"
P.S. No fancy special effects or lip syncing... they were both BRILLIANT.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hot Tub

Beautiful bubbly water,
Relax my muscles and mind.
Warm release from life.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Saturday Off! *Awesome

In my line of work, it's unusual to have the weekend off.
I'm going to milk today for all it's worth!
Starbucks social time,
A trip to the mall for some retail therapy,
Hot tub hang time,
An adventure with the puppies,
Dinner with my bug,
Topped off hosting a game night with friends!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Note To Self: Rage

Rage doesn't change the situation-
It does lead to unnecessary stress headaches, high blood pressure and illness.
Release the shit and move on.
I can't change the situation, but I can remove myself from it!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sleeping Puppies

Quietly, I sit an watch.
Curled up in a furry ball,
Their tummies rise and fall.
Peaceful and worry free.
Awake, they pretend not to like each other,
But fast asleep, they snuggle like two peas in a pod.
Time to wake them up and start the day,
But I'll enjoy this perfect moment, before they wake up and start to play!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Problem With Food...

If you overeat, you'll gain weight.
(Tough to remember when you've prepared a steakhouse dinner with friends, and devour three times the daily allowance of: butter, salt, bacon, potatoes, French bread and handcrafted Nutella!)
#ThatsLife #ItWasWorthIt!

Monday, February 10, 2014


A trip to the Getty Villa-
Inspired by the gardens, sculptures and view.
Reminded that culture and history surrounds us, if we open our eyes and soak it up.
The only way to tell a new story, is to understand how people before us told theirs.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dreams Come True! (I hope.)

I just woke up from an A-List yacht party.
I was laughing, dancing and making deals with the Hollywood Power Players!
God, I hope dreams come true!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Opening Ceremonies

I was ready to hate the opening ceremony of The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics on principal alone.
Taking it a step further, I had committed myself to boycotting the broadcast all together.
Nevertheless, I found myself bored and curious as I sat in my hotel room last night (on the road for work) so I decided to switch over to NBC-
After all, who was going to find out?!
I clicked over just in time to see the US Olympic Team make their entrance into the stadium; I felt pride, excitement for the athletes and I felt like someone needed to call Joan Rivers ASAP. ...I mean those outfits?! Come on Ralph Lauren, they're athletes not senior citizens.
As I continued to watch, I noticed a vibrancy and colorful tone throughout the telecast.  Not just with the Olympians from all of the other countries, but from Russia, too.
Russia is known for their brilliant ballerinas, naturally dance played a huge part in the production.  It was gorgeous, all be it, a little slow.
I couldn't help but notice how many of the male Russian ballet dancers moved with pride and confidence.  All at once I felt sorry for them-
Clearly they love to dance, and it's doubtful they're all heterosexual (judging from the amount of make-up they wore, most of them are gay.)  How painful it must be to live in a country where your leaders condemn homosexuality on global level, and still expect you to perform for your country in the opening ceremony.
Then, one of the Russian speakers (I forget his name, and I didn't want to Google search it because I don't want to give him the hits) made a speech about every country celebrating their Olympians, and (I'm paraphrasing) leave the controversies off their backs, so they can focus on what they do best.
I loved that.
Don't get me wrong, I think Russia is wrong on their stance and how they approached the equality issue-
But they won me over with their opening ceremony, and I will support Team USA.  The only way to fight homophobia, is to have a few of our top gays go over and kick their asses!

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Glamorous Life is Back!

Early morning wake up call,
Bag is packed and puppies are pissed,
Long line at TSA, (Sure, go ahead. Open my bag, mess everything up and then leave it for me to repack... Thanks!) Asshole.
Oh perfect, a long line a Starbucks, too!
Missed my boarding group (this sucks Southwest) now I'm jammed into a middle seat,
A full day of travel,
Arrive at the venue without enough time to eat,
Smile, it's show time!
#TheGlamorousLife of talent competitions returns...
But this time, I'm plugging a book!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Teenage Acting

I'm working with a group of teenage theatre students in a show right now-

It's a lot like watching a movie of my life in middle school. 

I really like the kid that's "playing" Me, he really understands the character. Plus, his hair is perfect.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

That's Not The Answer I Wanted...

When you don't get the answer you want-
Ask a different question.
Answers are like opinions: everyone has one, and most of them suck.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Note To Self:

It's been two months since you've gone to yoga-
Stretching at home isn't enough.
Get your ass back in class before your booty triples in size!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Random Thought: Homework

No matter how old you are, homework sucks!
The result of doing homework is a nice reward-
However, the more you accomplish, the harder you have to work.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

GAYme Day!

For me, the Super Bowl is all about food and men in tight white pants.
The commercials and half-time show are like bonus treats.
I fully intend on overeating, while watching "tough guys" fight over balls-
It's funny how such a "macho" sport beloved by millions is so #GAY.
#MenInTights just like #Ballet...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wake Up!!! It's Time For Another Day of The Glamorous Life.

When the alarm goes off, my initial reaction is panic!
Shit, did I miss my call?!
I roll over to discover, it's 5 AM-
I don't want to get out of bed (especially because I woke up every hour from fear I'd over sleep.)
Cranky, I crawl out of bed with sleep-crust covered eyes and find my way to the bathroom.
The harsh bathroom lights spark a surge in my body, and I begin my morning routine.
I always make sure to leave enough time to stretch, journal and write my daily blog- (I have to find "me" time if I'm going to help anyone else...)
Finally, I gather myself and make my way to the theatre.
I'm ready for another day of #Drama on the stage.
The glamorous life continues.
#Judge #TalentCompetitions #Choreographer