Thursday, February 28, 2013

ReconNEcT Working Week 8

The letter writing continues...
This week, I'm sending a fun note to a dear friend that I used to spend every Tuesday night with.
She was my boss first, and we very quickly became friends.
We laughed, we cried, we drank-
I miss seeing her on a weekly basis. We promised we'd stay in touch, and as usual, life takes over and the next thing you know a year has passed.
But a busy schedule is not excuse not to share your love...
If I can't be there in person, I'll send her some love the old fashioned way!
(Don't worry, I didn't spray the card with cologne.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Working day and night-
Fighting for a dream,
Overachiever and trying to release.
Getting things done is important,
But so is enjoying life.
The harder you work, the more enjoyable the play should be!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Spent the weekend working on a project out of town.
Back in LA with a full work load this week;
Meetings and more...
I have a hard time saying no to opportunities. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Life On The Road...

Bloated and tired,
Irritable would be a gross understatement.
Food full of preservatives-
(No wonder business men and woman are so anxious to tackle people to board flights first...)
They want to make sure they claim their seat(s), armrest and legroom before the rest of us, because they’re so unhappy and obese from eating shit on a daily basis.
The lack of sleep is what kills me.
NO matter how hard I try, I can’t get a good nights sleep in a hotel.
(Not even on vacation.)
My eyes look puffy. You could literally pack for a two week trip with the bags under my eyes!
And I hate to fly.
Ugh, life on the road is no home.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Practice What You Preach.

“Be the change you want to see.”
A simple thought,
If only people listened to it.
Growing up I heard my dad say,
“Practice what you preach.”
I didn’t understand what the phrase meant at the time (most likely because I was only four years old) but the words continue to echo in my ear.
I, like so many people, know I’m perfect.
So when I see myself acting like one of those crazy, out-of-control, unrealistic, overly-emotional, nut jobs... I have to step back and remember that simple (but effective) phrase.
It is not okay for me to drive like an asshole because I’m running late,
And then yell at the soccer mom in her Mercedes SUV talking on her cellphone, while her screaming kids are setting fire to the backseat.
I am every part as guilty as she is to contributing to the road rage in Los Angeles.
The same is true of my relationships;
I cannot hold my friends to different standards.
It’s unfair for me to expect my friends to treat me better than I treat them.
After thirty years, I’m finally ready to listen to my dad.
I’m going to start practicing what I preach.
Even when it’s a HUGE pain in my ass!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Stress and anger;
Charged with fear.
Doubt yourself and you are doomed. 
Anxious to set deadlines and accomplish another goal-
What’s the hurry?
When you finish that “urgent” project,
Three more tasks require “immediate action!”
Release and breathe,
Practice fearlessness.
The fear is not helping you succeed;
And it is KILLING your creativity!

Friday, February 22, 2013

ReconNEcT Working! Week 7

A friend in need of love and encouragement;
I’m sending a simple reminder of how beautiful, creative and talented she is.
It’s important to share your feelings with the people that you care about.
So this weeks letter is being delivered to a close friend that I see on a regular basis.
While I tell her how special she is every time I see her, I hope that receiving a note will brighten her heart.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm Not 21 Anymore!

Met up with an old friend last night-
We partied like we did fourteen years ago!
Drinks, laughter, dancing, more drinks! 
Scene change, more drinks, dancing, laughter...
Then I woke up this morning with a pounding headache!
I can't party like I did fourteen years ago!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Non Dairy

Life without cheese is almost unbearable;
Creamy, rich, melted and juicy.
I just can't handle the non dairy substitutes.
Except for my vanilla soy latte from Starbucks...
It's SOy delicious!
Bottom line, this non-dairy lifestyle is NOT giving me gas, but it's not giving me pleasure either!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thank You Tina Fey via Amy Poehler

I’m currently reading the hilarious (and surprisingly informative) book “Bossy Pants” by the talented and (what’s a better word for hilarious?) uproarious, Tina Fey.
In addition to the side-splitting laughter, I’m also excited to gain some inside perspective on the business of producing a weekly variety sketch show...
My partner Jeff and I have been working around the clock to get our parody television pilot on TV!  We’ve had some awesome accomplishments and opportunities along the way.  Having optioned our show, we’re closer now than ever before.
Because of this, we find ourselves editing our parodies (so as not to piss off the potential cable channel we’re destined to call home.)
The tricky part is staying true to the style and humor that helped us achieve the level of attention and fans that we have...
After all, our fans are the reason we’ve been able to continue producing content, shoot a pilot, appear in magazines and be interviewed on talk shows.  
[Cut to]

Tina Fey sharing a sentiment that Amy Poehler uttered to another cast member while working at SNL, “I don’t fucking care if you like it.”
Yes! That is precisely how I feel.  At this point in my life, I know who I am. I know what I want out of life, and I’m less concerned with what others think of me or my work.
There will be people who will like what we do, and there will be people that don’t. 
I’m focused on doing what I do best, using my voice to entertain the people who do!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ask And You Shall Receive... Maybe.

There Are Two Ways To Get What You Want In Life:
You can ask for it.
You can take it.
The important thing to consider is that if you ask for it, you may or may not receive it.
On the other hand, if you take it, it’s yours!  But you might piss a few people off in the process.
Either way, if you want something in life you have to take action.
If you sit around waiting for “it” you’ll be waiting a long time!

Friday, February 15, 2013

ReconNEcT Working Week 7

This week I wanted to focus on a life-long friend;
We've shared wonderful adventures throughout our lives-
Laughter, sadness, success and setbacks,
Through it all, she has always remained loyal, loving and supportive!
Nothing makes me happier than to share my gratitude in a surprise letter.
Beckie, this one's for you.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dear Hallmark...

Nothing reminds me of how grateful I am to have a wonderful person to share my life with, than a commercialized holiday that states: If you really love someone you should buy them expensive gifts, shower them with flowers and get fat eating chocolate!
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some errands to run!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You Can't Force It...

There's a lot to accomplish each day...
But if you try to force something to happen, chances are the only thing that will happen is a stress headache and disappointment!
I always strive for balance. If I can do a little bit of everything each day I'm proud-
But there will be days when you just can't focus...
I have to remember that it's okay to release the things that aren't working, and come back to them later!
Life is too short to freak out about an unaccomplished goal.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Homophobia at Prom... Really? Still!

It's hard for me to believe that there are still people in this country that (call themselves Christian's) and continue to condemn others.
Homophobia, fear, ignorance...
There are a lot of words to describe these people, but in the end, the word that sums it up best is: HATE.
The following article is almost unbelievable.
Now by "traditional" do you think they mean the kind of Prom where the "jock" date rapes the Prom Queen?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Glamorous Life

Another year on tour has begun.
I can tell because I'm sleep deprived,
Hung over,
Craving junk food,
And it's only day 2...

Friday, February 8, 2013

ReconNEcT Working Week 6

How appropriate-
The year I decide to make communicating via hand-written letters a priority, the USPS decides to raise the price of stamps (to nearly half a dollar!) AND if that weren't enough, they're ending Saturday delivery!!!
Nevertheless, I'm sticking to my goal.
It just makes sending a letter that much more romantic and/or thoughtful.
This week I reached out to a close friend that I haven't seen in a very long time. Hopefully it will make her smile.
I'm also sending a thank you to the executive producer of the talk show that Jeff and I appeared on last week.
It's ALL about reminding people that you appreciate them!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Is a vertue I was CLEARLY born without!
I can practice yoga and live all Zen...
But I still get pissed off in the end!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Zen Needed ASAP

Waking up early.
Laundry list of things to do;
One of them IS actually laundry.
Days like today can be overwhelming.
I could take up drinking in the morning?
No. Not my style.
Brew my coffee, 
Clear my mind-
Make the bed, (I can cross that off the list.)
Get dressed and go to yoga,
Surly meditation will help!
I hope so!
Release the stress...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Again. Step, Kick, Kick, Leap, Kick Touch.

God I’ve got to learn it,
I’ve got to learn,
I teach the class tomorrow night!

Forcing myself to learn someone else’s choreography to sub a class…
It’s not that I don’t enjoy learning dance combinations,
I just don’t enjoy it.
I’ve spent 20 years learning, rehearsing, perfecting and performing other people’s work.
Which has given me the opportunity to start creating work of my own that people hire me for! (Thankfully)
So when I have to go back and learn something a specific way, I turn into a spoiled brat!
Nevertheless, a gig’s a gig! So…
Again. Step, kick, kick, leap, kick touch.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Wrap Up...

I can't tell you who won the Super Bowl,
Or which commercial was the best...
But I can tell you that Beyonce gave a great performance-
Lips in sync and all!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Game Day!

A bowl full of chips,
7 layers of dip...
Wings, chili and beer,
Men in tight pants always bring me cheer.
Super Bowl Sunday,
I don't care about the game...
I just want to overeat and laugh at the commercials.
Oh and of course the men in tight pants fighting over balls.

Friday, February 1, 2013


2013 is in full gear!
February lands with loads of cheer,
It's a short month-
So make it sweet.
Valentine's day is the perfect treat.
I wrote this random poem to say-
Welcome February,
Bring on the gay!