Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

I loved Halloween as a child.
Candy aside, I was obsessed with decorating and designing the perfect costume! 
Can you say #gay?!
It makes perfect sense that I chose a career in the entertainment industry-
It's like Halloween everyday. Freaks included.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A New Word For Goodbye?

I have a difficult time saying goodbye-
Such a simple word, to describe an act that is so loaded with emotion.
Someone is leaving.
Will they comeback? Will you see them again?  Won't you miss them?  Won't they miss me?
We use the word goodbye so casually, it feels like we should have a more appropriate word for a longtime send-off.
See.  Doesn't that feel like more than "goodbye"?
But I have no choice.  My mom is leaving, and I have to say something; so I guess it will be thank you and goodbye, followed with a long hug.
Until next time!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Random Observation: Music

That moment you realize that a song from high school makes you feel young, so much so, that you log onto iTunes and download the entire album.
...the one you through away in your mid-twenties because you were so ready to move on!

Monday, October 27, 2014

I Want Candy!

When moms in town, our house looks like a super sized candy store.
Similar to those you see at amusement parks and touristy vacation destinations.
My mom is seriously addicted to sugary treats, and though I usually stay away from all things high fructose corn syrup related, I'm totally guilty of shoving at least a pound of Sour Patch Kids down my mouth!
They taste so good going in, and then I feel like shit.
It's how I imagine Honey Boo Boo child feels daily.
Which is why starting first thing tomorrow I'm getting rid of the junk.
Wait, Halloween is Friday?
Starting first thing Saturday, I'm getting rid of the junk!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Close Shave

Don't get me wrong, men have it easy compared to women when it comes to beauty and styling- especially when it comes to the critique of society.
Nevertheless, men still have necessary maintenance routines in order to avoid being labeled a caveman.
For example, no one ever told me when I was a young boy that I would have to trim my back hair and tweeze my nose hair when I grew up!
But the most annoying grooming gripe is by far shaving!
Razor burn, knick's, dry skin and ingrown hairs are enough to make me rage.
Because if I don't shave every single morning- I get acne!
So I'm left with the decision: close shave or pizza face?

Saturday, October 25, 2014


I need to remember that I am not a turkey and it is not Thanksgiving!
I don't need a second helping of anything.
Diet starts after this chocolate chip cookie...

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pop Quiz

Are pop quizzes ever fun?
The answer:
It's been twelve years (yes I dated myself) since I've taken a pop quiz;
Last night in my Business Entertainment class, our instructor surprised us with a test.
I knew every answer on the test, but in true Shaffer style- I heard the word "test" and I froze.
I dislike being tested.
Ask me to have a conversation, and I can tell you everything you want to know.  Better yet, ask me to apply what we've learned, and I will shine!
I am a classic overachiever, and my need for perfection always hurts me in situations where there's a piece of paper with a series of questions and a time limit to answer.
I always over-think everything.
In the end I only missed two questions, but I want perfection.
I want an A-Plus every time.
Oh well, there's always the next one.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Family Time!

When family comes to visit, I can hardly contain my excitement!
Unconditional love and support, aside-  the members of my family are wild, crazy, and passionate.  They all have big personalities, too.
Especially my mom.
Whether we hang out at home watching movies and eating popcorn or go on a lavish shopping spree at the mall, the bonding time is irreplaceable.
Now that I'm an adult, I appreciate my family more than ever-
I realize I would be lost without them.
Even when they piss me off, I'd still rather spend my time with them than almost anyone else.
...I said almost.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Press Release

Today it's all about self-promotion.
I'm delighted to share the official press release for my new book, So You Want To Be A Dancer!
It's official.  I'm an author.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Forced Creativty

Not ideal.
Still, necessary in order to grow-
Continually practicing and evolving,
To rediscover your passion.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Eager Puppies

Eager puppies hovering at the edge of the bed,
Ready to release their bladder and smell the new scents on their morning walk.
The cookie dance, which involves twisting and twirling in circles when we get back-
These dogs are so predictable...
Take them on a morning walk, give them a few cookies and some dog food and water, and they give us unconditional love!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Note To Self on Overachieving:

The more you do, the more you get done.
So stop complaining and finish out the week like a #champion!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Layers of earthy cozy delight,
Pumpkin Spice Latte's and crisp morning strolls.
Grounded colors rich and bold.
I love the fall!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Social Media Faux Pas

In the social media world of: "Look At Me and All Of My Amazing Projects"
it's no surprise that you have to shame people into "Following" or "Liking" you back.
Sadly, some people get so caught up in their own self-promotion, that they forget to support their friends back.
The worst part is, it cost nothing!
...Except your ego.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Good Night Moon

Just like a child, passed out the a couch...
I tried to stay awake for another episode,
But my eyes were ready for bed!
Good night moon,
And whatever I was watching in HBO when I fell asleep...

Monday, October 13, 2014

Stop Picking!

I have a terrible addiction to picking at things.  Primarily scabs.
It all started when I was a young child.  I suffered from painful earaches, which lead me to rubbing my ears uncontrollably until their was a scab, and naturally I would continue to pick at the scab.
It was a brutal cycle of self-abuse, just when the infected wound would heal, I'd dig right back in.
As a teenager, the nightmare continued with the onset of acne! I was like a migrant worker farming for zits.
Once I discovered Retin-A and puberty had calmed down, so did my obsession for picking...
At my skin anyway.  What I've come to realize is, as an adult I continue to pick--at problems.
I will pick away at a question or project until I cause a full gash in the situation, thus forcing me to deal with the larger dilemma at hand.
I'm not proud of this dirty little habit, alas any good picker knows, once you start, the scar never leaves!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Some lines are worth the wait:
Space Mountain at Disneyland- Yes.
Splash Mountain at Disneyland- No.
The line for coffee at Starbucks- Yes.
The line for the bathroom at Starbucks- No.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Thank You For Being A Friend!

There's one TV show I can't resist-
If I pass it while channel surfing, I have to stop and watch it!
I grew up with these women in my living room every Saturday night.
Their humor and unconditional (but no-nonsense) love was such a comfort.  Especially being so far away from my grandmas! 
Thank god for TV Land marathons of The Golden Girls.  They're like Saturday morning cartoons for gays!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Get Up! ...and Get To Work!

Sleeping in is fun,
Until you remember there is work to be done.
You're not going to conquer your goals in bed dreaming,
So wake up, use your head and start scheming!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Note To Self:

Nothing exceptional ever comes from a rushed process-
But sometimes you just have to settle for "good."
Life is short; spend time on the things you are passionate about, and everything else, get it done and move on!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Creative Writing for Artistic Growth

After contributing to a daily blog for over five years, I can honestly say that providing content requires imagination, creativity, and a willingness to release the idea of perfection and settle for, "you did it!"

Monday, October 6, 2014

Just Another Mundane Monday

Off to a slow start today,
Mondays are always rough.
Full of eagerness-
But lacking the motivation to conquer.
Maybe another cup of coffee will help?
If you can't find motivation, find caffeine!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hotel Breakfast

Avoid the eggs and the meat,
Try the oatmeal instead.
The coffee's gross, but does the trick-
And you might as well gulp it down.
After all, you probably paid twenty dollars for it!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Dear Bran Muffin

You are delicious AND nutritious?!
I can't believe you're heart-healthy.
Just promise me you aren't full of carbs!
Wait you are?
I feel betrayed!
But I'm finishing you anyway.

Friday, October 3, 2014

...Everything Happens For A Reason...

Yeah, yeah, yeah...
We've all heard it before, and nobody wants to hear it when they're receiving bad news or suffering a loss.
However, I'm a firm believer in a higher power- call it God, The Universe or the collective spirit of humanity, I don't believe in coincidence.
I'm always thrilled and hopeful when I begin a new journey, and I encounter a person who knows me or I receive an opportunity based on my past life experience.
It's a little reminder that this world is small, and the entertainment industry is even smaller.
It also validates the decision I made to experience a new venture.  I trust my instincts, but I believe in God, and in moments when a "coincidence" transpires, I'm calm because I know I'm right where I'm meant to be.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Reality...

Last night: adoption orientation,
This morning: pitch meeting at NBC!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Busy Week. Time Flies

The more loaded my week is, the faster it goes.
I enjoy being busy.  Actually, I prefer it.  However, I think I could do a better job at finding the balance-
Rather than looking back on an event thinking, Oh- that was fun, I wish I wasn't so overwhelmed at the time.
I'd like to find a moment in the thick of it to stop, take a look around and appreciate the process.
I'm not afraid of time passing, but time lost, is life lost.
I refuse to miss out on my life.
So today in the hurricane of auditions, meetings, appointments and errands- I'm going to remember the most important job: taking care of me.