Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Attention: No Judgement

Our ego is quick to label and judge; self preservation is to blame.

However, when we return to the present and pay attention to what is in front of us, we are more likely to form cultivate positive, fearless ideas; without judgment!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Breathe In Light

When I take a deep breath and release everything I’m instantly return to the universe; connected with the life-force.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Labels Are Mind-Made.

We use words to describe, define, and divide.
Labels that were surely meant to help us identify, communicate, and navigate life, have evolved into a trap.
We get so hung up in our minds overthinking everything.
Do you think a dog questions the purpose of life?
Or a flower challenges the existence of God?

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Universe; Alive in Us

Pulsing energy connected to nature, humanity, and the heavens;
Created to thrive as one;
A beating heart, we dance in rhythm––we are alive!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Listen To Nature

Rain drops falling; the purification of life.
Wind whistling; moving energy across the universe.
A river trickling past; the reminder that life never stops moving.
Birds singing; hope is everywhere.
Nature is full of messages; in stillness we are reminded.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A Tree Is A Tree; I am Me.

The strong trunk deeply rooted into the earth;
Grounded and confident its branches sway and leaves rustle.
Through sunshine, rain, wind, and storms the tree remains fearless––not even the threat of fire causes it to be anything other than a tree.
Surely the tree is vulnerable to elements, yet it continues to provide shelter, food, and lodging to other insects and animals; some may even unknowingly hurt the tree; yet the tree continues to stand.
Nature can teach us a lot about being present.
I don’t have to be anything other than Me.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Standing on one foot for an extended period of time is easy;
Finding stability among the challenges of life, relationships, career, and health where a strong center is key!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Surrender Now

Let go of yesterday; it’s gone and can’t be redone.
Let go of tomorrow; it’s too far away;
Be here now, surrender to this moment and reap the beauty of the present.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

One Thing At A Time

Focused and present;
Quality over quantity;
Master the person, task, or adventure in front of you;
Engage in one thing ensures a completely full experience.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Breathing In This Moment

The power of breath;
Life, presence, awareness:
In with peace,
Out with love.
Grounded, strong, confident;
I am here.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Meditation, breath, and returning to the present;
I see and accept that all we have is now.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


You are not what you wear;
What you do;
Who you know;
Where you live;
Find space and silence to look deep within and meet the undiscovered and more connected you.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Inner Essence

Accepting that I am not the clothes I wear, the car I drive, the gig I book, the book I sell, the house I own, the friends I have, the adventures I’ve experienced, or the money I’ve saved is priceless.
I am a kind, strong, talented, outgoing, positive, creative, tenacious, loving person; I hope to share the gifts, passion, and faith that I have with as many people as I can.
Finding the inner light and giving myself the permission to shine.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Accept What Is

It’s easy to accept the present when everything is going well. It’s when the world seems dark, and you’ve lost hope that acceptance becomes an obstacle.

Ironically, it’s in those moments of fear, doubt, insecurity, or utter despair that we need to be present and breathe.

I catch myself thinking, “Once I’m through with this [ FILL IN THE BLANK ], then I’ll be able to smile again.”

My goal is to reach those moments if heightened stress and smile through them. Thanking the hurdle for challenging me to grow as a person.

Acceptance doesn’t mean giving up; it means surrendering to “what is” completely—allowing room for clarity. Once you know what you’re up against, you can choose the most appropriate tool to overcome it!

I Am

The definition of who I am continues to evolve.
The most valuable lesson that I’ve learned through countless hours of meditation, yoga, prayer, reading, questioning, listening, traveling, and self-discovery is that I am present.
Undefinable based on what I’m working on, how much money I have, what clothes I’m wearing, where I live––and so on and so forth.
I am––a sacred space.
I am most at peace, when I accept what is in the moment and remain true to the version of me at that point in time; the Now.
I am––here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Now is Always Here; Past and Future Are Thoughts.

Most of us continue to relive moments from our past or waste time dreaming about our future when the truth is all that we ever have is NOW.
The conversation that happened just seconds ago or the activity that is about to happen are just thoughts.
Accepting that this moment (right NOW) is the only thing we really have is freedom.
In this moment nothing from our past can prevent us from starting fresh, and nothing in our future can stop us from being present.

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Only Goal: Be Here Now

The ego demands that we remain in a constant state of chaos;
It says, “Achieve more. Be more. You’re not enough.”
The Present Moment says, “Take care of what’s in front of you.  Be here. You, are enough. This moment is all there is.”
All of the goal setting, planning, and tenacious outreach to gain more gets in the way of the most important aspect of life: appreciating what is.
Be here now.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Identify The Ego

I’m sitting in my hotel room gazing out the window watching the gentle snow fall;
Every flake is gorgeous and unique;
A mirror to humanity.
The snowflakes fall together creating a stunning landscape without the need to compare or be better than the crystallized ice that floats around them.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

You Are Not The Voice In Your Head

We all hear a voice—or voices—in our head.

The nagging reminder of all the insecurities, doubts, and judgments that exist in thought.

We have the power to overcome those damaging thoughts, but it requires awareness.

The ability to become present when we hear the destructive dialogue and remember that your ego feeds on the drama; but you don’t have to! When you become aware of the voice, recognize the ego and refocus your attention on the present.

Complaining; It's A Pattern

Interesting: very few people appreciate listening to a friend or loved one complain, yet we all feel justified when it’s our turn to share in the Ego driven pattern of seeking redemption, validation, or justification as a victim.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Become At Ease With the State of “Not Knowing.”

As an artist, I’ve spent a lifetime living in the unknown;
Where will my next job come from?
Will people enjoy my book, play, television appearance?
What will I do if I stop booking work?
The unknown can be a dark, terrifying place for anyone.
Yet, from the unknown some of my brightest experiences have been born.  Unexpected adventures to foreign countries; last minute bookings on TV shows; wild parties full of A-list heroes; job opportunities that pushed my creativity beyond what I dreamed I was capable of...
It is in the state of not knowing where hope and dreams thrive; there in that uncertainty remains the idea that anything could happen!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Awareness From Within

When I close my eyes and focus on the energy swirling inside my body I am instantly present;
In that moment I find the space to react, think, create, live and I am once again connected to my purpose.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"Not Enough" Is A Condition

During the early trails on my journey as an artists I discovered a detrimental character flaw.

Despite having a devoted and creative husband; a beautiful home; surrounded by brilliant friends and family; and a career that has allowed me to travel the world whilst building on my dreams—I found myself thinking, “I want more!”

My Ego exposed; it was not my finest hour. Yet, the revelation had me questioning my very purpose as a storyteller.

How can you exist in the entertainment industry happily? Every job—I was lucky enough to book—had me satisfied, no: elated! I made it! Then, the reality hit: this job will end. What’s next? I want to do this again.

Spending my childhood in endless dance, acting, and vocal classes; investing thousands of dollars and energy pursuing my dream as an adult; and finally receiving opportunities, it makes senses that I’d want more…

Artists believe that they need their ego to create anything worthwhile, what’s more, we believe that without Ego we won’t gain any attention.

When I found Eckhart Tolle the first time around, my Ego rejected his book. No thanks Oprah, he might be good enough for you, but I need my Ego.

Thankfully, I woke up a few years ago and recognized that if I wanted to survive this industry, I would need to find worth in myself regardless of my career.

When I accepted that my Ego, fear, insecurity, anger, joy are conditions that will eventually pass, I unlocked the peace of the present.

Since that awakening I’ve been more open to unimaginable adventures and my creativity, skill set, and job opportunities have flourished!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Compulsive Thinking Is Avoidance Of Now

I started writing this blog post in my head whilst practicing yoga this morning. There, in the midst of my Sun B flow I realized I wasn’t there; I was avoiding what was right in front of me.

My mind wanted to escape the present—a beautiful yoga class—and I had to ask “why?”

We’ve become so programmed to constantly increase productivity and we’ve completely lost quality control.

When I focus my attention, breath, and Faith, on one action I can achieve a more meaningful result.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Don’t Take Your Thoughts Too Seriously

Lost in thought throughout my childhood; I spent too much time listening to the dialogue in my mind.

My conflicted soul resisted the noise in my head like an activist at a Trump rally, but it wasn’t until my last year in high school that I finally found the courage to convince my thoughts to trust my heart.

Dissecting every possibility; over analyzing the obvious; carefully calculating the odds—it’s no match for trusting your instinct.

Life is what happens while you’re making plans; or so the saying goes…

Why not plan to release and go with the flow?

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018

Wisdom Through Awareness

Growing up, my dad would “encourage” me to help him out around the house, in the garage, and at his office––I’m sure the free labor was half the reason my parents decided to have me––and whether we were in a crawl space repairing a pipe or neck deep in grease changing the oil in our car he would say (half joking to lift my spirits), “Watch and learn!”
My dad’s point was valid and has served me throughout my life.  He taught me to be a watchful observer, to be aware of my circumstances, and to learn from everything.
Turns out he was a wise guy after all...

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Stillness Is Where Creativity And Solutions Are Found.

I know people who seek drama, they think it makes them more creative; a real artist.
I’ve always been attracted to chaos, not necessarily in my personal life, but  among the talented circle of creative individuals I’ve surrounded myself with.
Then, I found myself on a project working alongside a dark, troubled, incredibly talented choreographer who thought it was a wise choice to create unnecessary friction between the cast.  I would leave the studio with a headache and spend the evening in a mild state of depression.
Slowly, I started to pull away from the rest of the cast––I found a quite corner in the rehearsal hall and read, journaled, or listened to classical music.
That’s when I first discovered the magic of stillness.  Throughout the remainder of the rehearsal process, my creativity and ability flourished; while the rest of my colleagues battled with injuries, struggled to stay positive, and continued to receive notes regarding their less-than-favorable performances.
That show was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn the value of serenity; giving myself permission to disconnect from the noise and find the gift of inner peace.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Awareness From Your Surroundings

I watched the sky transform from a deep cobalt blue into a soft sky blue in a matter of minutes;
I gazed at a tree and explored the layers and depths of green, yellow, and brown that twisted together in the wind;
With careful surveillance I observed my Yorkie, Ginger inhale a cookie like a child devours an ice cream cone on a hot day, I could taste the joy and feel her gratitude, love, and pleasure––all from a simple dog treat.
When I allow myself the quite space to become aware of my surroundings without labels or judgments, I’m reminded of how simple yet detailed life is; we are all connected.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Listen For Silence; Become Aware

Many of us walk around with a persistent voice in our head; planning, questioning, challenging, worrying endlessly.
Constant chatter that clouds our judgment and forces us away from the present.
I could feel the vibrant energy of 2018 pulling me in even before yesterday;
Collectively we (society) agree upon the beginning of a new calendar year and the mark of a fresh start.
Of course, when we allow ourselves to realize (or accept it as the case may be), we have the opportunity––the gift––to approach every single day with the same awareness.
Silence can be scary for many people; those who seek distractions from the never-ending demands of the ego.
If, when we think of that soundless space, we allow ourselves to become aware of the present, we may just find a moment of peace and clarity.
Try it; give yourself permission to stop the barrage of unnecessary inner dialogue and invite presence.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Inner Stillness

The perfect way to welcome a New Year!
Vibrant rays energize my body;
The California breeze sweeps past me as I sit in meditation;
Like a sound effect in a superhero movie, the world around me is silent; I’m in a bubble.
Then, clarity: silence is golden.