Friday, September 30, 2016

Dear Media: Act Your Age

I started watching the news in high school, in an effort to stay informed, prepare for the “real world”, and to assimilate with the cool artists at the hip coffee houses I would frequent.
As technology advanced, I started collecting my news and current events from other sources––now the iPhone has an app that curates the news and information that might be important to me, based on algorithms I don’t even understand.
So when I turned on CNN today I was shocked.
I spent my life trying to stay informed and educated about world events, meanwhile the “news anchors” and talking heads go out of there way to bring the conversation back to a dialogue I might have heard during a lunch room fight among the cheerleaders and the nerds.
When did the media stop acting their age?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Let's Go For A Hike!

Dump trucks on their morning route,
Birds chirping,
Squirrels chasing tail,
A black Mercedes speeds down the hill––late for an important meeting––not my problem.
“Slow down!” I yell as the driver passes.
Half jokingly––I stay calm (because it’s a beautiful day, I’m off and he’s not) but seriously––he could have killed someone.
My legs are sore from too much yoga.
This canyon breeze feels so good on my zinc covered face.
I love hiking in LA––it’s good to get out in nature and leave the business behind for awhile.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Burn Out.

My alarm rang all three times;
And all three times I snoozed through it.
I’m normally up before the sun;
I slept in today––the sun is high in the sky.
It’s noon;
My body says, “Thank you for the special treat.”
My mind says, “You wasted my day.”
My heart says, “Balance is key, breathe and move on.”
Still, I feel like a millennial;
Over rested and under motivated.
Time to start my day...

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hollywood; Golden

The sun rises over Sunset Boulevard;
Golden light bounces from the billboards.
Even the movie stars in oversized ads shine in this town.
The bright warm glow offers a false comfort;
Everything is beautiful in Hollywood––until you turn out the lights.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Lazy and Overflowing with Love.

Flopped down on my couch,
I’m ready to binge watch something on Netflix and fall asleep with my puppies; one on each side.
I overdid it in yoga––most a subconscious reaction to the amount of food I’ve been eating.
My stomach growls,
I cannot possibly be hungry;
More likely it’s my body readjusting to the idea of normal consumption.
My mind is obsessing about pizza,
But the love hanging over the side of my sweatpants reminds me that arugula would be a better choice tonight.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Oh, Shoot

Lights, camera, Dance Moms!

I'm sitting between two Broadway divas in a rental car on our way to the theater.

This is our Reality today.

It may not be the most glamorous TV show,

But it's a living! 

There's no business, like faux biz!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Talking Heads

Watching talking heads on the television;
The media never misses an opportunity to exploit a protest or a political cycle, now they have both.
Confused, misinformed, or uneducated soundbites from hysterical––dare I say extremist––they’re a misrepresentation of the America I know, on either side of the aisle.
Opinions on the street––further skewing an agenda.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Dive into the warmth of an extended summer;
It’s Fall on the calendar––but the heat and humidity would suggest otherwise.
Making the most of the delicious weather lounging by my pool.
Today, heaven is floating on an inflatable raft, while sipping lemonade.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pros and Cons: Working Out

Pro: I would have more energy.
Con: I would have to get off my couch.
Pro: I would be taking positive action toward changing my body.
Con: I would pass by an In-N-Out Burger––and most likely get a Double Double as a “reward.”
Pro: I would be able to stop at In-N-Out Burger––and eat a Double Double without feeling guilty; because I worked out.
Con: I would have to get off my couch.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Starbucks; Observations

I sit in Starbucks watching people, instead of working.
I’m intrigued by the level of unconsciousness...
I watch a business man pick up crumbs from his lap and hurriedly shove them into his mouth.
A middle-aged women screams into her phone (presumably to a nanny) that her daughter forgot her lunch; she informs the receiver––and everyone else in Starbucks––that she’s on her way to the gym, so they would have to handle it.
A father and his daughter practice “high fives.”
And a muscle man checks out his body via the reflection in the window; he glances to make sure nobody observed this––I laugh in reaction.
The employees shout orders across the bar;
It’s just another Tuesday in Hollywood.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Emmy Inspiration

I endured the lengthy telecast last night looking for inspiration;
I found laughter in a few off-the-cuff jokes that Jimmy Kimmel made,
But more importantly, I found hope while watching so many first time nominees receive praise––in the form of a golden statue––for their achievements.
It’s promising to witness so many “unknown” talents, whom have been hustling for auditions and opportunities to work on television, earn recognition among so many well-know and established actors.
I was motivated in a new way watching the awards this year. I was reminded that no matter how old you are, what your race or sexual orientation––if you focus on the content, work hard, and stay relentless––everyone has an opportunity to succeed in the business of show!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Acknowledge the Present

Sometimes––when I’m feeling sad or I’ve give weight to the thoughts in my head––I allow myself to live in a space of negativity.
A destructive habit that feeds my ego, especially because I know that nothing creative or productive is cultivated in the type of energy.
With one breath and a gentle reminder, I identify the issue causing my negativity, release the fear, accept the current circumstances for what they are, and take action to get back on track.
The simple act of acknowledgement inspires positive action, creativity, and the ability to see that the past and future are no match for the present.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Media Madness

After spending the better part of my morning watching clips of this past weeks political coverage and commentary––I’ve come to the conclusion that:
The collective media has about as much control as a five-year-old kid in a candy shop––and even less concern about the longterm effect of their irresponsible behavior and the impact of this country––than a cigarette smoker has regard for their lungs.

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Mountain and The Mutt

The  warm mound of laundry––fresh from the dry––piled atop my couch;
My Shih-Tzu, Lily, conquers the fluffy hill, burying her head underneath the clean scent of fabric softener;
She disappears into the sea of sweatpants and is lost in the comfort of cotton.
I can’t blame her, even my workout clothes are very fashionable.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Let's Go For A Hike

Hiking through the canyons of LA I realized;
I love nature,
I don’t like rocks in my shoes,
Jackhammers are twice as loud at 8am,
And it’s better to stretch before a three mile hike––unless you enjoy muscle spasms.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


My internal alarm clock won't hit snooze;
When I'm up, I'm up.
I just need one more minute—it's like high school all over again.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Truth on Tour® (Again) 3.6

Now it's time to play, "Which Line Will Be Longer: TSA or Starbucks?"
The art of airport traveling; you have to make it enjoyable—or you'll turn into an evil monster. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Truth on Tour® (Again) 3.5

I woke up this morning overwhelmed and humbled by the passion, honesty, and energy I felt during my residency with the concert dancers at Slippery Rock University.
We don’t always get to do what we love;
Some people never––and I make my living following my dreams.
I have been blessed with a lifetime of creative adventures;
I don’t take that for granted.
As much as I despises traveling––no matter how turbulent the journey can be sometimes––I am always grateful.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Truth on Tour® (Again) 3.4

Fifteen years ago;
I woke up to my roommate sobbing––shock, horror, fear, sadness, and confusion became our reality.
Never forget––became a motto for America;
And then, as time passed––the pain and sorrow, that was such a part of our day to day life, subsided.
But when I close my eyes and remember back fifteen years ago (which feels like yesterday), I remember every detail––I morn the loss of all of the innocent victims, I salute the lives of our heroes, and I pray for a country United again.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Truth on Tour® (Again) 3.3

Six hours of rehearsal yesterday;
Lends itself to an unwillingness to get out of bed today!
On the count of three I have to get up!
1. 2. Hits snooze––twenty minutes pass––3.
I’m up and in the shower.
Time to make the donuts!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Truth on Tour® (Again) 3.2

I woke up with that feeling of excitement and nervous energy––my stomach feels like I’m on a roller coaster at a Six Flags amusement park.
Working with new dancers is always a joy; the balance of trust, creativity, and enthusiasm––hard work, sweat, and hopefully NO tears.
I love sharing stories in which ever form I have the means;
Today I will channel that bright-eyed young man who moved to New York full of idealism and showmanship and work through twenty-years of insecurities and breakthroughs!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Truth On Tour® (Again) 3.0

The fluorescent lighting of TSA reminded me that I'm back after a short reprieve; my life on tour continues.
Leaving my family in LA—I will miss the laughter and love.
Instead I'll find comfort in collaborating with creative dancers.
This trip will mark my first full-length concert dance piece; both exciting and overwhelming, but I'm ready for this journey! 
It's the packed airplane that has me sweating.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back to School

The fall is here;
Big yellow buses line up along the school yard.
At thirty-eight years old, I still feel the anticipation and weight of September.
Summer is over—and so are the vacations, swim days, midday movies, and lazy TV watching.
The joy of picking out my "first day" outfit; first impressions count!
Meeting new friends, maneuvering around campus and classes; too much homework.
As an adult I appreciate the return of fall;
Crisp weather, layered clothing, and reading a book cozied up by the fireplace.
Occasionally waking up in a panic about finishing homework—and then I remember that I work for myself, and all is well! 

Monday, September 5, 2016


A year ago today, we were celebrating my sisters birthday in a rehabilitation center;
Honoring her life––while she was fighting for her life.
Overnight, a virus took away her ability to walk, talk, or hold her daughter.
My sister has always been a fighter.
Her tough exterior guards her sensitive and loyal heart.
Some of our family doubted in her ability to recover––I never lost Faith;
They don’t know my sister like I do.
A childhood spent in pure laughter or passionate fighting; neither one of us is afraid of extremes; but we always had each others back.
We moved around a lot when we were younger, so she was always my best friend.
When we became adults we were both preoccupied with building our own future––and forgot to check in with one another.
My sister’s hospitalization was a wake-up call for me;
This indépendant, talented, intelligent, creative, emotional, women––mother, daughter, sister, and friend, is one of the most important people in my life.
My love for her is unconditional and pure.
I’m so grateful that she has made a full recovery––the future looks bright;
But all we really have is the present, which is perfect, because it’s my sisters birthday. Happy Birthday Shiree. I love you.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Grown Up Sunday

Starbucks and a walk with the puppies;
A two-year old's birthday party;
(Please notice the lack of brunch with friends.)
Welcome to adulthood.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Find Yourself

There are plenty of people who will tell you why you won’t be able to accomplish a goal;
Even more who will remind you of your limitations––they see them as flaws––and believe they are helping you.
There is no use correcting their judgments––and even less use in proving them wrong;
Instead, surround yourself with people who inspire you––challenge you to do more than you think your capable of; the reward is not in achieving the victory, but in the pursuit of finding yourself in the dream.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Random Thoughts.

It’s midday and I’ve done very little;
Searching for creativity or motivation can be challenging on a Friday.

Programmed childhood patterns remind us that the weekend is near.
I want to be successful––at letting go.

Balance comes naturally; sometimes.
And then there are those moments when you have to force a hand.

Now, I’m going to force myself downward;
Dog––in yoga.
Maybe then I’ll have a clear mind and return to what I love.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sofa vs. Bed

My pillow-top bed calls out;
Jealous of my down-wrapped sofa sectional.
Both have comforted––encouraged even––my Netflix addiction until the early hours of the morning;
But only one can provide the proper lumbar support necessary for a successful day of yoga.