Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Love Is Powerful

The silent conviction of my heart;

Sharing passion, Faith, and compassion.

Fighting fear, doubt, and ignorance with a deep breath and trust.

Drowning darkness with the radiant light of love; positivity prevails.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Your Choice; Powerful

Waiting for life; you’ll wait a lifetime.

Taking the first step; unknown and exhilarating.

Courage is active; only brave people evolve.

Power is within reach; your choice…

Monday, February 26, 2018

Process Over Prize

The savory taste of victory is no match for the complex, layered, well-balanced meal that is the journey.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Taking a breath instead of reacting impulsively;

Backing down from an argument;

Releasing the need to control:

It takes courage to walk away.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Let Go…

I held onto a beautiful writing pen for over twenty years;

Together we crafted stories—I wrote my first manuscript with the heavy silver rollerball instrument—countless hours of journaling and hundreds of love letters; many of which were sent to the love who gifted the elegant precision pen the Christmas of our lust affair.

I’ve long since moved on from his bitter betrayal, but the pen always served me well.

Never one to hold on to attachments, I didn’t realize how much I’d miss the pen… alas, it’s gone and I’m struggling to move on.

This (I tell myself) is why I practice yoga.

Let go. Non-attachment. Time to make space for a new story!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The First Step...

When we start a new journey, the first step is scary.
Overwhelmed with the unknown and maneuvering through a landmine of fear, doubt, and questions.
If I’ve learned anything in my 30′s, it’s that I have so much still to learn;
Staying in the present helps.
Walking with Fatih and love, too.
We cannot know what will happen tomorrow or ten years down the road.
I believe that I will continue to manifest my dreams.
I don’t have to be concerned with the “how”, I just have to trust in the NOW.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Love, Above All Else

When the hate is strong;

When darkness suffocates the light;

When you are surrounded by fear;

When it feels impossible to find common ground;

Love, above all else!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Have Faith

The faith we have in ourselves will determine the amount of faith others put upon us.
Who wants to collaborate with someone who doesn't believe they can get the job done?
I’ve never lacked confidence, and I’ve often set out to accomplish a goal with (perhaps) an overinflated sense of certainty.  In those instances, I always found my footing along the way; I learned a lot about myself and how I handle stress; I evolved as a person and I discovered that I would always find my footing along the way.  Not every adventure lead to success, but they all gave way to growth and self-discovery.
You have to be fearless and trust that you will know what to do when you need to!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Ability Is Only Part of the Eqaution.

Wanting and dreaming are the catalyst;

Natural talent and drive will offer a strong foundation;

But success requires work.

Investing in daily habits that create opportunities to grow and achieve our goals.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Wake Up to Love

Present in the company of The Universe;

God is love.

Never in harms way through grace and faith;

Alive and awake.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

There Is Always A Way

Some people find excuses for why they won’t succeed;

The rest of us find a way.

Fearlessly and faithfully tenacious, creative, relentless, passionate, and wise, we seek to carve a door where once there was a lead wall.

Friday, February 16, 2018


With curiosity seek truth;

Not judgment.

Tragedy in the news confirms I understand less and less every day;

Still I believe in humanity.

Why? Unanswered, perhaps we ask the wrong question.

How? Can we offer more compassion; love.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Wisdom & Courage

Wisdom is power, courage is using that power in a meaningful way; an unstoppable force.

I cannot convince the world to believe as I do, nor would I want to, but I continue to push boundaries with a fearless and positive tenacity in an effort to entice others to think for themselves.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Failure Is The Sign of a Life Fully Lived

Who can say they’ve lived a full life without—at some point—experiencing failure.
Dreams and goals plotted on life’s map; you either risk everything, set out on the journey, and live or watch others conquer from afar.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Practice Freedom:

From unhappiness, stress, fear, anger, the past, the future, and what others think of you.

We have the power of choice. As easy as it is to surrender to negative energy; the radiance of the positive action will set you free!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Whatever The Situation; That Is Life.

I used to complain a lot.
I’m a very happy person and have been most of my life, still, I would always find a reason to nag.
As I’ve grown––traveled, worked, studied, evolved––I’ve discovered that successful people seldom complain.
Rather than seeing a negative, I’ve habitually trained myself to find a positive in every circumstance.
Naturally I don’t always succeed, I’m still human, but I’ve found a balance in my outlook.  Now, when I’m in a mood or struggling with a circumstance I force myself to admit: “This is life.”
Often, that simple admission is enough to return to the present.
When I acknowledge aloud that I know that I’m being ridiculous, I find it much harder to continue the destructive mindset...the situation is what it is; but I can choose to react based on my ability to breath and release, rather than out of fear and anger.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Accept Death; and Live

There’s no escaping the inevitable truth: we will all expire one day.
A terrifying thought for many––especially if you’re not living in the present.
The moment you surrender to the honesty of life you realize that every day that you’re not dead you're living.
But are you truly living?

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Real Me.

Not the clothes, career, car, or home I own is me;
It’s my Faith, passion, and conviction that is my truth.
I trust in the moment and evolve with wisdom from every adventure, loss, and victory.
I am Me.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Loss of “I”.

Releasing the “I”dentity can be a challenge;
clinging to the labels we’ve cultivated for ourselves will eventually prevent us from evolving into the person we are truly meant to be.
Learn to let go; and prepare to receive!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


The finality of life or the end of a wonderful experience reminds us that life is a cycle.
With every loss we can find a rebirth; a discovery that nothing is over—no matter how permanent it may feel—we are constant evolving. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Face Fear; Accept Death; Live Present.

Once you surrender to the inevitable truth of the Universe, you are brilliantly catapulted into the present; living fearlessly.

Monday, February 5, 2018

From Death; Rebirth

From Death; Rebirth

Every night is death; every morning a rebirth, a new day!

Ideas that no longer serve us give way to fresh thoughts.

From the ashes of our ancestors, energy!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Acknowledge Everyone

The human connection is powerful; when you take time to make eye contact, listen, and engage with others you elevate the level of presence and grow as a person.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Object; Objection

Neither the clothes I wear, the car I drive, or the things I buy will bring me closer to the truth of who I am; material objects will not reveal who I am.
It’s commonplace to hide behind objects; possessions have their own story, and so do I!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Awareness: Past the Pain

The moment I overthink a circumstance, get sucked back into the drama of my past, or challenge the outcome of my future I have removed myself from the present.
A simple adjustment in my mindset and a deep breath bring awareness; a return to what is actually happening.

The pain and questions are my egos desperate attempt to control my life, and the simple truth is that I owe it to myself to live the life that is actually happening—rather than a rerun of my former life or a dream sequence of something that isn’t present.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ego Seeks Righteousness; Soul Seeks Peace

The need to be right usually overthrows the desire to find peace;
Letting go of the ego requires trusting that ‘you’ are enough!
My ego wants more; my soul is fed when I am present.