Monday, November 30, 2015

Back To The Grind

It’s always a bit of a challenge getting motivated after a week of holiday festivities;
I’m comforted by the fact that I leave for New York City in two days, however I realize I have about six days worth of work to process.
Lists, goals, and plans won’t help me know––I have to dive headfirst into the deep end.
Here goes...

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Friends gather around the table; 
Family away from home.
Gratitude and good food.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Night Before Thanksgiving (it's a thing...)

I’m drunk on the bright glow of the moon tonight;
Abundant gratitude,
Comfort from family, friends and food.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

That's ShowBiz

A charlatan always reveals their true character eventually;
Deceit hides in a bright smile with empty promises.
Lies laid like land mines in the Middle East.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Washing the dishes the morning after a dinner party is dirty, smelly, and it’s much more difficult to scrub away the caked-on shit;
Similare to recovering from a hook-up in your twenties.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

That's Life

I received a 4AM wake-up call;
Thanks to a reaction from the vaccination that both of my puppies had yesterday.
You don’t really know what love is, until you’re cleaning shit and vomit, while using a calming voice, “It’s okay sweetheart, you just had an accident.”
People who say dogs are just like having babies are wrong:
Babies wear diapers!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Work In Progress

I’m currently working on my next book and I forced myself to look back through old journals in order to accurately remember the past.
There’s a reason people warn you not to look back.
You get to revisit the best memories, but you have to relive the shitty parts, too.
It’s strange how far away some of those moments feel now;
Others flash before me like a movie and I struggle to believe they actually happened.
Reading the pages from my journals helped me to appreciate how far I’ve come and how focused I was, even back then, to set goals and work towards them.
I am proud of where I am and who I’ve become, and I accept that every day brings a new opportunity to evolve as a person.
The beautiful discovery is while I continue to work toward self-improvement and career advancement, I'm living my dream—and that is my definition of “making it.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Pulse

Twirling emotion,
Dancers feel everything;
Music guides our breath.

Missed Opportunity?

I partied too hard in November––which is why I'm a post shy;
If I were in school I'd receive an B-
Not acceptable!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Life of an Artist

The deception and false hope;
There is no such thing as a day off in Los Angeles.
Try as I might to relax and underachieve––the DNA in my blood pumps and sends demands to my brain.
Work, work, work! you crazy fool;
If you want to get ahead, you can not rest.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

That's Life

There are people who respond to confrontation with poise and wisdom;
And then there are all of the rest.
I'm shocked that anyone at the executive level (in any arena) considers "no response" a reasonable acknowledgement.
My job is not to do the job of others, it's simply to proceed accordingly.
AKA time to get aggressive! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Junk Food Days Are Over...

A trip to the Cheesecake Factory left me:
With heartburn,
A guilty heart,
I think my “cheat days” are coming to an end;
Just another loss as you get older.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Raging Headache

Waking up with a headache after a night of alcohol-free partying feels like eating birthday cake without frosting;
Completely unfair and upsetting!
Allergies suck.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Ironing My Pants

Just like my life;
Some of the wrinkles are deep.
This is going to require some additional attention.
Not every crease is forever.
I wish there was an iron for every situation in life.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Nasty Movie Nightmare

When a film is so terrible that you have nightmares;
Then wake up the next day to realize that you spent $16 on a crappy movie that gave you bad dreams: it’s a day terror!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ring On The Bells

We're still a month and a half away from Christmas and the tintinnabulation blasting from the premature holiday commercials is pumping me up!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pep Talk

I’m focused and passionate about my future;
Setting goals can easily get me overwhelmed.
I’m working to find balance, while increasing productivity.
The more I stress, the less I achieve––opposite, when I release and take action I find success.
Exploring ways to unburden myself from comparing my path to others and staying connected with my own personal evolution will lead to victory.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Crazy Meet Crazier!

The world is full of colorful people, and by that I mean crazy.
Somehow I’m still shocked when a seemingly logical person will attack me without the proper information.
I’m a very thorough person; I never engage in a dialogue (or a full out war) with anyone unless I can back my argument up with facts;
So when I’m called out in a group of peers with misinformation, I have no problem standing my ground.
When I was younger, I used to get hotheaded and react with a total lack of dignity.
Thankfully, I’ve calmed down, and when I come for you I can cut you down with a smile and arsenal of facts.
Please don’t come for me unless you’re absolutely sure you can take me down––because I’m not going without a serious fight.

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Guy Walks Into A Bar

I'm the first one in a new restaurant, waiting for my friends at the bar.
Like a subway releasing the rush hour crowd, the bar is rushed with people;
Trying to hold two extra seats without pissing someone off is nearly impossible.
I order a drink, and then another––still waiting for my (now extremely late) colleagues to appear.
I look like a crazy mama bear carefully guarding my chair cubs.
Finally one of my friends walks into the bar and takes the seat next to me.
Take that asshole to my left who attempted to convince me to release the seat only moments before:
The bar might be packed now, but I got here first.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


The trick about Halloween is waking up the next morning without a hangover or stuck in a candy coma; if they made a remedy that actually worked, that would be the treat.