Sunday, January 31, 2016


Awake consciousness,
Take action,
Remove ego,
Embrace the Present.
We are all searching for enlightenment;
Only when we still the noise, can we hear.
Inner peace is already inside––we just have to breathe and invite it to rise.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


There is beauty in releasing ego and embracing awareness;
No goal or accomplishment is greater than the inner peace that comes out of release.
The Presence of life––in this moment is all we have;
Breathe through the fear of inadequacy and awake the spirit:
Mind, body, and soul in search of light.
Just like dawn shocks the sky with gorgeous light from complete darkness––our life begins anew each day with purpose beyond who we are, or what we do.
We are more than ego, we are a connected energy.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Inner Space

Deep breath in;
Exhale all thoughts and invite light,
Surrounded by stillness and warmth.
The space in my mind is clear:
Inner peace. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Some people seek a reaction in order to validate their presence.
Others complain in search of being heard.
Awareness means letting go of the judgment––often a non-response says everything you need it to;
By silencing your thoughts, you gain consciousness in the present.
The inner voice can rest, free from labeling a situation good or bad:
You are at peace.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Am

I am here in this moment;
Nothing more, nothing less––
The past is behind me and cannot be changed,
The future is in the distance and cannot be promised.
I exist in this moment: Aware, Grateful, Focused; seeking enlightenment.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

For Better or Worse.

The present is here, for better or worse;
Enjoy this moment––you don’t know when it may come again,
Endure this moment––you don’t know what it’s preparing you for.
Welcoming awareness into every aspect of our life allows us to accept the circumstances for what they are, and move forward accordingly.
Invite the light and thrive, even in our darkest hour.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Be Happy

My grandpa used to say, “If you want to be happy, be happy. If you want to be upset, be upset.”
The lighthearted wisdom with which he spoke would encourage me to think rather than react in anger, which is what would happen if anyone else would try to talk me out of a bad mood.
I was never able to grasp the ability to, “be happy” as a teenager; I was too busy caught up in the need to express my disappointment.
My grandpa was the only man I’ve ever met, who was able to stay calm and smile through almost any circumstance.
Even on his deathbed he reminded me, “Don’t be sad Matt, I’m so proud of you.”
For grandpa, Faith and the power of making a choice was all he needed to accept everything that life delivered to him.
“Happy” is a choice.  It requires releasing everything that is provoking un-happy feelings––which is tough to do if you love the drama, but necessary if you want to find inner peace.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Let E-go...

Letting go of ego;
To make room for evolution.
The goal: to become a more productive, generous, faithful person for the sake of a more pleasant world.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Time Is Now

My active mind is always questioning time;
Practically speaking, time is the primary way we function in society: meetings, planning and marking special occasions.
Time also comes in the form of past and future;
Neither of which really exists in the present: the past is gone, and the future will always be a distant marker.
It is in the release of those boundaries that we can escape the restrictions of time.
Looking back will not change the past anymore than planning ahead will bring the future closer––today is the only moment which we can truly live.
Understanding that surrender brings me a peace of mind and allows me to utilize the only time I really have: NOW.

Friday, January 22, 2016


Managing to stay aware;
Trusting that nothing before or after can effect this moment.
The Faith in releasing the unknown––the confidence to accept what is now.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Who Are You?

Staring back at myself in the mirror;
On the surface I see the resemblance of myself as a teenager––minus the acne and perhaps with more wrinkles.
A deeper gaze into my own eyes reveals an evolved version of myself.
More secure, grateful and at peace.
Every day I find a stronger sense of self––something that I didn’t even realize was missing in my twenties.
The beauty of my life intensifies when I release the fear and trust that I am here for a reason; my life has a purpose, and I will continue to explore, grow and become the person I’m meant to be.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I am enLIGHTened

The moment of letting go;
A deep breath in and a giant exhale of toxic thought, fear, reaction, or energy.
Holding onto outdated ideas of who I am or what I’m meant to be, will not serve me today.
Questioning my future will not lead to a brighter tomorrow.
Understanding that the only way to a more connected, happy life is through acceptance.
Acknowledgment leads to enlightenment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Releasing the past;
Finding strength to mute the voice in my head and become aware without judgment.
A shift in processing how I interact with others and respond to conflict.
Allowing myself to experience the moment as it is happening, to awake my true potential. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Note To Self

Energy, positive or negative, is transferred to and from everyone we meet;
A smile makes a greater impact and invites darkness to lighten up.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I do not have to accept negative energy from others;
Their pain is not my responsibility.
Rather, my mission is to encourage happiness—through the release of fear and the welcome of Faith.
Inviting light in, and sharing it with a smile, a listening ear and positive thought.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Unhappiness is an Addiction

Recognizing the moment of unhappiness is the first step toward taking action.
When we can acknowledge the pain, fear, insecurity, doubt or sadness and understand where the feeling is coming from, we are more likely to find happiness.
It requires learning how to stop the negative energy the moment we feel it; and in exchange invite a positive thought to combat it.
Only by inviting in the light can we extinguish the dark––but you have to accept that you can’t see before you admit you need to turn on the light switch.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Let It Go.

Letting go of the past will set me free;
Or at least give me the permission to make space for the present.
I have a tendency to overanalyze situations and events.
As I work on finding a more peaceful balance in my life, I must accept that the past is behind me; good, bad or indifferent––I cannot change the circumstance or even the outcome, but I can shift the way I react to the memory.
Memories are similar to a roadmap; guiding us back to a place in time.
Once I can look at that map as a point of reference, so as not to make the same choice (if it was a negative experience) I will have a powerful tool.
I can acknowledge the experience, release the painful scenario and approach the present with a peaceful mind and a valuable compass.
History only repeats itself––good or bad, when we allow it too.
I’d rather make history than repeat it.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


The egos reaction to circumstance;
Knowing the difference between an instinctual fear vs. overthinking.
Receiving praise or criticism alters my consciousness and triggers my body to respond, whether positive or negative, for self-preservation.
Awareness brings serenity, Faith, trust and acknowledgement.
When I release the attachment to self; I invite the truth of the situation enabling me to process the information and evolve.
Surrendering to fear, anger, resentment, sadness, jealousy––all contribute to an unhealthy body and unhappy mind.
Embracing and working through the facts allows for a positive outlook and a healthier, loving, quality of life.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Welcoming the opportunity to join forces in creativity, wisdom, strength and quality––to yield a more polished product.
A successful use of talent; an enlightened way to work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Now

The magic of now.
Failed attempts, heartaches, grievances and disappoints are behind me;
The challenge to embrace a fresh start––we get one everyday, and it’s our choice to take advantage of the new sunrise, or seek the darkness of the night before.
Happiness is not the byproduct of a fabulous victory, job or opportunity;
It is a conscious effort to find balance and a calmness from within.
Finding contentment does not mean losing the essence of who I am––anymore than it means I will no longer fight for my creative voice.
Rather, it is knowing and accepting that whatever today brings will serve me tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Stay Focused

It’s so easy to slip back into deeply rooted ideas and habits;
They’re safe, comfortable, and familiar––they are also destructive, otherwise we would not have invested the conscious energy in resolving to try something different.
Evolution of the mind and spirit takes conscious effort and dedication.
We all have the opportunity to grow as individuals and expand our potential;
But it requires work to unlock our preset ideas and discover our true selves.

“You are most powerful, most effective, when you are completely yourself.”
––Eckhart Tolle

Sunday, January 10, 2016


My grandma always used to say, “If you have to cross the street to find happiness, you’ve gone too far.”
I’d respond with a groan and remind her that I’d heard that before––she’d smile and say, just remember it.
Now that she is gone, I think about her and that saying all of the time.
I miss her laughter, the smell of her soft skin, her unconditional love, wisdom, support and guidance.
Thankfully, I hear her voice speaking in my head often; usually reminding me that happiness is within.
As I continue to work on evolving into a more enlightened person, I seek knowledge from others who have discovered their inner light.
While reading a chapter in, A New Earth, I was reminded of my grams favorite saying, and it suddenly made sense in a whole new way.
Searching for happiness is not the answer, exploring why I might be unhappy with a circumstance is more productive, and allows me to move past the obstacle there by making room for a positive reaction.
Happiness is not something you are, it is something you work toward everyday––in releasing the doubt and accepting light.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Within Not Without

The most overwhelming obstacle in life can be taking the first step;
Focusing on action in a new direction.
We struggled as toddlers and we continue to stumble along the path toward reaching our full potential.
The idea that most of us crawled before we walked escapes our memory somewhere along the road to adulthood, and we forget that nothing worth having comes easy.
There is no short cut that leads to success––more to the point, there is no success which promises inner happiness.
No dollar amount or opportunity can provide peace in our soul;
Reaching career goals, accomplishments, material processions and wealth can contribute to an already enlightened heart, but I haven't found a magic wand that replaces the work that has to be done in order to evolve as a human.

Friday, January 8, 2016


I live in a town full of glamor, fame and ego-driven success;
Los Angeles has a reputation (almost as famous as the movie stars who live here) for being fake.
Admittedly, there are a lot of bodies that have been enhanced, résumés that have been exaggerated and conversations that are less than honest.
Despite the negative aspects, Southern California is surrounded with art, culture, massive mountains and an impressive coastline.
The sun shines, wildlife thrives and those who seek adventure can find it anywhere in the form of almost anything from snowboarding to surfing, opera to  art openings.
So how does a location with so many extraordinary features invoke such negative attention.
Let’s be honest––everything ego-driven in LA can be said of New York City, Paris, London, Rome; yet Hollywood takes the blame.
Los Angeles (the city itself) has become an analogy for the people who comprise the city.
How does fixating on the negative aspects of a circumstance; whether it be a person, city or dream serve me?
How can I shift my perspective to help others become aware of the beauty that surrounds them––wherever they are?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Change of Plans

Letting go of plans;
Requires trust in the unknown.
How can I live a full life if I don’t make room for surprise.
The rainy day off was an ideal opportunity to visit with friends, eat a delicious lunch and catch up with a close friend.
Plus, I was actually more creative afterward and I still accomplished a few goals.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Body Philosophy

My body is healthy and strong;
Time has not yet erased the presence of happiness and youth.
One day not far from now my body will show the scars.
Will I be able to look in the mirror with love and acceptance?
Only when I love my body completely––for what it provides and not how it looks, will I find inner-acceptance and peace.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Losing Ego

The idea of letting go of material possessions has never been that difficult for me.  Perhaps it is because I have a sister who is a borderline hoarder.
(I mean that with as much love and support possible while recognizing the truth.)
Growing up, I watched her put so much energy into the memory or an object;
Whereas I’m the opposite, I put equal weight into the idea of a goal.

As I read, A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle, I’m discovering that I too was attaching to possessions––mine just happened to be ideas.

Generally, I’ve been the type of person who forces myself to move on:
From jobs when I feel they’ve served their purpose,
Friendships that no longer serve the wellbeing of either party,
Televisions shows that have run their course,
Fad diets that stop working,
You get the point.

The pain from loss is intense, and secretly there is a part of me that enjoys the discomfort––which is why I challenge myself to let go of previously mentioned circumstances.

Now I’m focused on how much I will hold onto an idea––even if it no longer serves me.  A powerful question (from Tolle’s book) has enticed my mind to rethink loss:

“Has who you are become diminished by the loss?”

I’ve never been afraid of dropping jobs or friendships because I’ve never felt less-than by releasing them.  Yet, I’ll hold onto an idea (even if it’s no longer important) for fear of feeling inadequate.
I’m ready to release the ego in order to make room for new opportunities.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Faith not Fear

Silence surrounded by chaos,
The moment you transcend the fear and invite the light;
Surrendering to God’s path doesn’t mean giving up,
It means working harder than ever with confidence that the energy will manifest into an unknown opportunity.
Releasing ego and replacing it with Faith.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pain Means It's Working. Right?

That feeling you have the day after an intense workout;
I didn’t realize my body could ache in so many places.
No seriously, I didn’t even know I had a muscle there!
Like Oprah, 2016 is the year of loving my body like never before!
Not through Weigh Watchers (unlike Oprah), but with a positive outlook, hard work and major portion control.
I’m done with comparing my physical appearance to anyone else;
I’d rather discover the best version of me––inside and out!

Saturday, January 2, 2016


I don’t care how cliché it is––timing is everything.
I do believe everything happens for a reason;
From the most brilliant to the down right disastrous,
I trust that everything I encounter is a piece of the puzzle that will prepare me for a larger picture.
I sat down to set goals and incorporate ideas to work towards in 2016, as I do at the start of every new beginning.
After several weeks of meditation and thought, the theme of “light” continued to nag at me.
The idea of drowning out the darkness with the pure positive energy of light continued to call, so it is––my focus will be to find the light in every circumstance.
Today, I picked up a book that I purchased back in 2008––for whatever reason I was unable to appreciate the message at the time, so it sat on my shelf, and started working on my own book.
Now, eight years later, my book has been published and I’m in a very different place in my life.
I decided to start reading Eckhart Tolle’s, “A New Earth” as part of another goal for 2016.  The once cumbersome words were now shining off the page.  It wasn’t until I got to the last sentence in the first chapter that I knew I had selected the perfect time to read this book:
“The light of consciousness its all that is necessary.  You are that light.”
Timing is everything.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016

There is nothing more intoxicating than a blank page in a fresh new journal.
For some, especially writers, that empty space is overwhelming;
I see it as an opportunity to reinvent my story.
An empty canvas––the only expectation, to imagine the possibilities.
I’ve always been that guy who sets goals, both attainable and lofty dreams that seem impossible, which provide a brilliant challenge for me.
In my twenties I spent too much time focusing on hitting the target, and didn’t appreciate the path through the woods––with unexpected obstacles; at the time I considered them roadblocks, now I realize they were challenges that helped me fine-tune my shot.
In my early thirties I refined my approach.  I focused my energy and harnessed my efforts in order to soak in the sunlight that beams down along the trail.
Now, I’m expanding my ideas.
I’m less concerned with hitting specific career goals, and more determined to seek happiness in the daily journey.
Human nature tells me to continue wanting; no matter how out of reach the goal might be, once I’ve accomplished it––like a junkie looking for the next fix, I need more!
I’m ready to break that cycle.  Not that I believe there’s anything wrong with aspiring to achieve new heights, but I’d rather splendor in the moment rather than constantly fight to feel happiness through achievements.
I have never defined my success based on a job or dollar amount, still I fall victim to the mindset that “it” will never be enough.
“If I could just sell this book, then I’ll be happy.”
So as I face the bright empty glow of cotton card-stock, I set in motion a new plan.  I will embrace each day with light and fearlessness, and as I work to accomplish new goals––I will stay present and be thankful for the challenge each new day brings; without stress or doubt.  Every roadblock is conditioning me for the next adventure.