Saturday, July 22, 2017

Finding My Zen; Again.

As the Uber coasted around the mountain bend, I could feel the calming energy of the lake penetrating my skin;

Further into Lake Tahoe, the endless chatter in my mind subsided and I felt my inner peace return; it has been missing for a few weeks.

Like anyone, I face momentary setbacks. 

I spend so much time hustling, creating, pushing for my artistic ambitions to meet their destiny;

Often, I forget that I have no control over the journey.

Only how I react to my circumstances is within my grasp; and without Faith, light, hope—I lose my step.

Now, emerging back into the present, I feel the weight lift, the sky above Heavenly Village is just that, a gift from God.

I am here.

My past cannot be changed and tomorrow will bring the demands of tomorrow.

Today, I found my Zen; again.

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