Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Listen For Silence; Become Aware

Many of us walk around with a persistent voice in our head; planning, questioning, challenging, worrying endlessly.
Constant chatter that clouds our judgment and forces us away from the present.
I could feel the vibrant energy of 2018 pulling me in even before yesterday;
Collectively we (society) agree upon the beginning of a new calendar year and the mark of a fresh start.
Of course, when we allow ourselves to realize (or accept it as the case may be), we have the opportunity––the gift––to approach every single day with the same awareness.
Silence can be scary for many people; those who seek distractions from the never-ending demands of the ego.
If, when we think of that soundless space, we allow ourselves to become aware of the present, we may just find a moment of peace and clarity.
Try it; give yourself permission to stop the barrage of unnecessary inner dialogue and invite presence.

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