Sunday, March 3, 2019


Thanks to the generosity of a yogi and friend who couldn’t use her Orchestra center tickets for the matinee of Cats playing at the Hollywood Pantages Theater, Jeff and I got to indulge our theatrical side;
Sitting in the majestic lobby of the Pantages enjoying a cocktail pre-show, Jeff and I shared our Memories of the prancing musical production.
The songs are like catnip (I seriously can’t help it) for my inner theater soul.
The orchestra played the first synthesized note and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical mayhem came flooding back.
My childhood:
Watching the dancer–actor–singers on stage twirling, belting, and bouncing around the stage––which was transformed into a junkyard––was exhilarating.
I staged my own production of “Mad Cats” to avoid copyright infringement, when I was a senior in high school; naturally, I (re)wrote, directed, choreographed, and starred in the production. . . More about that in my new book, “Dancing Out of the Closet” (seamless plug), which will be released Summer 2019!
Now, as an adult, I watched the re-choreographed production.  I used to take class and work with Andy Blankenbeuhler––who did a brilliant job of maintaining the integrity of the show, but bringing it into the 21st Century.
I sat in the theater with my smile (from ear to ear) throughout the entire production.
Is it the perfect musical? NO. But it engaged a side of my imagination as a young boy, and I’m delighted to report that the nostalgia and creative inspiration came bounding back after lapping up the new production of Cats!

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