Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hawaii Day 3; 2019

Last night we tried a restaurant, which came highly recommended from a yogi friend of ours; ironically, when we Googled “Best Happy Hour’s on Maui”, Monkeypod Kitchen was number 1.
So, we drove the (less than) one mile from our condo to the hotspot we’d never heard of and cozied up to the bar.
Firstly, all of the food is farm-to-table fresh, and EVERYTHING––with the exception of the flour imported from Italy and the olive oil imported from California––comes from the island of Maui and is prepared daily in their kitchen!
The food was melt-in-your-mouth and make-a-mess-in-your-pants, DELICIOUS!
The drinks were equally well-crafted, specific, and sensational.
Whilst we were enjoying our dinner, we made small talk with the straight couple sitting next to us. We briefly swapped raves over the dinner and took photos for each other.
When the couple got up to leave, they shook our hands and wished us a happy vacation.  We thought nothing more of it. . . .
Until we went to leave and asked for our bill.  Our server explained that the couple next to us and picked up our check!
That, is Hawaii.  The energy, love, generosity and spirit of life is everywhere.
We left full and feeling blessed!
Now, we’re off for another day of reading on the beach and soaking in the healing waters!

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