Dear Friend,
First let me begin by saying that, though I don't subscribe to many of your beliefs, I love you!
I hope that you will forward this reply to your friend as well.
I think that it is unfair for any one who calls himself (or herself) a friend, and uses words like Love to describe a bond that they share, should ever find a reason to attack the other party.
I believe that this idea is exactly what is wrong with politics in this country to begin with.
Let me be clear in saying that I find it sad when either side of the aisle uses hate tactics to 'win' or “scare” over their own party.
I am a Democrat for very obvious reasons, however my Dad, whom I love more than anyone on this planet, is a strong conservative Christian Republican... Does it make family gatherings tough? Sometimes. More often though, we have wonderful talks, debates and in the end, I've looked at an issue in a different way and so too has he.
Isn't it important to know all sides of an issue. Isn't that why we surround ourselves with smart, funny, outgoing people? To grow, and take a look at a different view once in a while?
Not to say that I believe I will ever share many of the views my father has. But to know that, at least we can have strong feelings, and love one another enough to find a fair and common ground.
Don't you think it would be wonderful if everyone who called themselves someone who cares about our country, would take the time to listen to the other half of the country? Maybe we would gain insight if we could actually listen, instead of resorting to hate and judgment of the other party and their hopes, dreams and Faith for the world they envision?
I pride myself on my strong opinions, and the opportunity to call myself a Democrat!
Nevertheless, I love you and your strong opinions. I value the perspective you bring to the table!
Wasn't there a leader who wanted ALL of their people to think the same? How did that end up in history again? Oh right I remember...
Finally, let's be clear about one thing: For every extremist Christian Hate group on your side... I'm sure you could find many radical extremists on mine... And though they may have very different platforms, the misguided hate is the same!
I think you should re-evaluate this person you call a friend... A true friend stands up for you, even when it is inconvenient for them.
And come November 5, after Obama has won... I'd love to have you over for dinner, wine and loving friendship!

A photograph I shot while in Denver for the DNC
P. S. Vote No on 8! Churches will not lose any tax-exempt status... nor will they teach 2nd graders to want to be in same sex relationships... They’ll experiment with that in college, like everyone else has!
i love your blog!
Re: No on 8
I saw a great ad yesterday with the CA Superintendent of Schools explaining that there's no law requiring schools to teach marriage to second graders and that furthermore, using children to lie about that is despicable.
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