Depending on where you search the internet, the divorce rate in this country can be anywhere from 43% to just over 50% of all marriages ending in divorce. Though it is almost impossible to find a straight answer or statistic on the matter... even the National Center for Health Statistics, despite all of their surveys, charts and graphs offer only a projected percentage.
Nevertheless, I think it's safe to say, that divorce is a very common solution to married life.
When I was growing up, I remember thinking how lucky I was that my parents were still together, as the majority of my friends' parents were divorced...
Then that day happened to me and my family... I was a junior in high school when my parents decided to separate. I never thought that day would happen, and though I know my parents tried very hard to work through their problems, the inevitable D-day still came. I hold no judgments on my parents. I love them both very much, and I believe that they are both very happy in their lives now.
That being said, I have four wonderful role models when it comes to marriage... My Grandma & Grandpa Shaffer have been married 52 years, and my Grandma & Grandpa Smith 51 years. Their love, dedication and hard work give me such hope!
That's why I'm so shocked that there are people in this country who fight so hard against allowing equal rights to everyone in regard to sharing a loving bond and commitment to one another until death do them part.
What exactly is "Traditional Marriage?"
How many people live without sin? I'm no authority on religion, but my general belief was that we are all sinners... So why then are some above the rest? Why is it okay to preach hate and fear? Didn't Jesus Christ preach love and forgiveness? Why with so many marriages ending in divorce, abuse, adultery... Should anyone stand as the authority on who can and cannot marry.
Yes. The Bible. Everyone always quotes the Bible.
Ironically, the same people who defend the term "Traditional Marriage" as one man and one woman- have a wonderful way of overlooking the Word of the Bible that no longer suits their needs:
i.e. you shall not commit adultery, love thy neighbor, let he who is without sin cast the first stone... The list goes on and on, and of course like almost everything in the Bible- either side can find a justification or exception.
So here is my thought, since we are ALL sinners and the "Traditional Marriage" divorce rate is at nearly 50%... Why not encourage the bond between two people. Encourage love, honor and monogamy for all people, and maybe future generations will be able to get the divorce rate down...
Well said, man. Well said. I really like how you opened up about your own experience with divorce. I agree, Jesus Christ doesn't care who you love... as long as you love. No on H8!
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