Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Ashton Kutcher Theory Challenge

After watching an interview with Larry King and Ashton Kutcher I was inspired to test an idea... That one person can reach One Million people (as Ashton Kutcher has) via Twitter blows my mind. Celebrity or not... Ashton beat out CNN, our President and countless other Celebrity and Political figures by using his voice...
So I thought I would see if the power of the Internet really works in favor of non-celebrity types like myself...
What Ashton really proved is that one person really can influence as many people as a corporation as big as CNN or even our Nations leader!
So my question is... Can a non-celebrity reach that many people on the Internet?

The test: Aplusk Theory Challenge- If I can get 10,000 people to follow me on Twitter by my birthday 5/4/09 I will shave my head on camera and post to YouTube!


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