Do good things really happen to good people? That's what a friend of mine just reminded me.. I know she was most likely doing her best to encourage me to keep the faith, so to speak... However, I really wonder more and more if good things really come to only good people...
Of course, there is no way to really measure the truth in a statement like that. Let's face facts, good things happen to good people, but they also happen to bad people too!
I'm beyond frustrated with where I am in life right now. I say this knowing that I have so much to be grateful for. Nevertheless, I'm disappointed that lately, the harder I work for something, the further I push it away.
I believe that if you work at something hard enough and long enough, more than likely you will be able to accomplish your goal... Honestly, I try to focus only positive energy into the goals and dreams that I harbor.
I'm the king of mantras... In fact, I have quotes and affirmations framed all over my house... and yet, there are moments when you just want to scream at the top of your lungs: "IT'S NOT FAIR!!! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN!"
I think the scariest realization for me, is that no matter how hard you work and how much you want something... It really may not happen... So do you continue to focus your energy into something that may or may not pay off? I'm really asking that question... I don't have the answer anymore. I used to believe that you really can accomplish anything you put your mind to... Now, I'm not so sure...
I've made it a point, since watching "Finding Nemo" to remember the wise words of a cartoon fish:
"just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
But lately, I'm not sure if I'm just treading water or worse, swimming in the wrong direction!
How come you can't Google "Will I succeed?" and get the answer you're looking for? You can Google everything else!