Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Healthy Point of View

I was reminded again this week that even in our most overwhelming situations, positive energy creates fresh opportunities.
I've been fortunate (thanks to Groupon) this month to have the privilege to take yoga every day-
Starting every morning with a mind, body and spiritual practice has helped me release the fear and doubt that is lurking behind every corner in life.
It's so easy to get caught up in the negativity that surrounds us.
It takes great effort to choose to be happy and productive.
Especially in Los Angeles!
What I remembered in Yoga is that we manifest energy. We can either focus on sending positive energy into the world or we can contribute to the negative.
I've always been sure of God, and I trust that I have a purpose-
But like all humans, I forget to trust.
In myself. In the Universe. In Gods plan.
Thankfully I've rediscovered a healthy point of view.
I'll enjoy it as long as I remember to.

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