Friday, November 30, 2012

Hard To Say Goodbye...

Airports have always marked bittersweet moments in my life-
I hate saying goodbye. Especially to my family.
I remind myself to be grateful that I got to say hello, but that doesn't really ease the blow.
Nevertheless, today marks the day that my mom and her husband return home.
It's also my last day at the Yoga center I practice at. The company sold and I'm unsure they'll reopen-
So it's a double whammy!
Obviously saying farewell to mom is much more difficult, but not being able to find my Zen moment to get through it isn't enjoyable either!
Oh well, life goes on...
I look forward to seeing my mom again as soon as I can, and I love yoga, so I imagine I'll find my way!
The picture is of mom, Steve, Jeff and me at breakfast before the airport drop-off.

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