Sunday, February 24, 2013

Practice What You Preach.

“Be the change you want to see.”
A simple thought,
If only people listened to it.
Growing up I heard my dad say,
“Practice what you preach.”
I didn’t understand what the phrase meant at the time (most likely because I was only four years old) but the words continue to echo in my ear.
I, like so many people, know I’m perfect.
So when I see myself acting like one of those crazy, out-of-control, unrealistic, overly-emotional, nut jobs... I have to step back and remember that simple (but effective) phrase.
It is not okay for me to drive like an asshole because I’m running late,
And then yell at the soccer mom in her Mercedes SUV talking on her cellphone, while her screaming kids are setting fire to the backseat.
I am every part as guilty as she is to contributing to the road rage in Los Angeles.
The same is true of my relationships;
I cannot hold my friends to different standards.
It’s unfair for me to expect my friends to treat me better than I treat them.
After thirty years, I’m finally ready to listen to my dad.
I’m going to start practicing what I preach.
Even when it’s a HUGE pain in my ass!

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