Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thank You Tina Fey via Amy Poehler

I’m currently reading the hilarious (and surprisingly informative) book “Bossy Pants” by the talented and (what’s a better word for hilarious?) uproarious, Tina Fey.
In addition to the side-splitting laughter, I’m also excited to gain some inside perspective on the business of producing a weekly variety sketch show...
My partner Jeff and I have been working around the clock to get our parody television pilot on TV!  We’ve had some awesome accomplishments and opportunities along the way.  Having optioned our show, we’re closer now than ever before.
Because of this, we find ourselves editing our parodies (so as not to piss off the potential cable channel we’re destined to call home.)
The tricky part is staying true to the style and humor that helped us achieve the level of attention and fans that we have...
After all, our fans are the reason we’ve been able to continue producing content, shoot a pilot, appear in magazines and be interviewed on talk shows.  
[Cut to]

Tina Fey sharing a sentiment that Amy Poehler uttered to another cast member while working at SNL, “I don’t fucking care if you like it.”
Yes! That is precisely how I feel.  At this point in my life, I know who I am. I know what I want out of life, and I’m less concerned with what others think of me or my work.
There will be people who will like what we do, and there will be people that don’t. 
I’m focused on doing what I do best, using my voice to entertain the people who do!

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