Thursday, May 26, 2016

Family Ties

I live two thousand miles away from my family, so I'm always grateful when someone in my tribe comes to visit me; even if they arrive on a Harley Davidson!
My dad—a born and breed mountain man—and his wife are on a cross-country ride with another couple, who are equally adventurous and fearless. 
We shared a wonderful two-day adventure, sight-seeing, laughing, eating (too much), and discussing politics and religion.
I was encouraged when my dad and his Rabbi friend, who share opposing views from me, we're inspired to engaged in a Spirit-ed conversation.
Proving that no matter what your Faith or political affiliation is, when you sit across from a fellow human (who also happens to be family) and converse from your heart—with love and compassion, there is room for mutual acceptance, respect, and a new perspective.
I love my dad, whether he agrees with my beliefs or not, he believes in me—and loves me unconditionally; as I do him.
It was another bonding experience that makes me feel blessed.

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