Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Breathe and Grow

I’m currently reading three books;
All in the realm of self-discovery and Faith, and each of them is pointing to the same thing: becoming present.
Everywhere I look I see signs reminding me of the same objective.
The universe, God, and my intuition are all in agreement that I need to concentrate on the present.
I’ve spent the past twenty years of my life seeking to work as much as possible;
Do more! Has always been my motto.
I believe we each have a path and my faith tells me that I will be where I need to be, when I’m meant to be there. Yet, I continue to question and challenge if I’m doing enough.
Worse, I see myself getting trapped in the addictive cycle of wanting more––instead of enjoying what I have in the moment.
I set out for surrender this year and I found it very quickly;
Sadly, it scared me.
Today, I realized that I need this calm, peaceful, mindful time to grow.
If I can understand and accept how to find the same gratitude and joy from stillness––imagine how brilliant and balanced my life will be.
I told myself that surrendering would be a challenge and it certainly has been.
The beauty is that I’m learning that I can thrive creatively and accomplish things in the calm, too.
Learning I don’t always have to go, go, go; it’s okay to breathe––and grow, grow, grow.

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