Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stars... They're Just Like Me!

You know that section in US Weekly or Star or People or, well I'm not sure which one it is exactly, but they're all the same aren't they?
I love that section-  simply because they hire paparazzi to stake out dry cleaners, coffee shops and parks to catch "stars" acting like normal people.
Today for example, I was in line behind a famous star and his two adorable kids.
He ordered like me, paid like me, tipped the barista (like me on a good day) and waited for his coffee like me...  When his coffee came, he and his kids sat and enjoyed coffee and snacks.
It really made me think-
Wow, those trash magazines are right- He is exactly like me!
Then he and his kids left in a luxury car and it dawned on me...
He's nothing like me, I would never drive a red corvette!

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