Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Glamorous Life On Tour

You know you travel too much when you realize you're sitting in the same random airport bar in Salt Lake City as you did five years earlier, and the only thing that's changed is the amount of alcohol you consume.
It's not that spending your life getting paid to travel across the country can't be fun;
Late night trips to small town gas stations for more alcohol.
The rare craving for an awful chain restaurant like Applebee's.
Quick stops at national monuments, points of interest and mom and pop variety shops...
But on the whole life as an artist on the road is less glamorous and more TOURture!
Especially when you've been doing it since you were eighteen!
Of course I'm grateful that I've lived my life performing around the world-
What nineteen year old would turn down a six month trip performing across Europe on someone else's dime?
Still, at thirty-three, I'm ready to spend more time in the city I live, and less time on a brutal, oversold Southwest flight to (slight pause for dramatic effect) wow, I don't even know where I'm going!
...and I kinda like it that way.

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