Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rain, Rain Go awa...aaaait A Minute! We Need You!

I seriously question people who live in Los Angeles and say, "I love the rain."
My initial response is always, "Then why did you move to LA?"
If you "LOVE" the rain, wouldn't Seattle or somewhere in Florida be more appealing?
The truth of the matter is that it really doesn't rain often in Los Angeles.
When it does, it only lasts for about three days. 
(Occasionally we'll get a two week downpour.) 
But that only happens once every three years. (My unscientific guess.)
So when you hear rain in the forecast, most people brush it off. 
Especially when just the day before the skies were blue, the sun was out and you were chillin' at the beach enjoying the 80 degree weather! (See yesterdays post.)
Nevertheless- it happens.  You wake up to the harsh sound of droplets pounding at your windows.  For an instance you think you're on the back lot at Universal, and you're stuck on their "rain" soundstage. 
Alas, it is in fact rain!
Naturally I'm in an instant bad mood. UHG! I hate the grey skies, wet EVERYTHING and worst of all the LA drivers in the rain...
But then I remember how much we NEED the rain.  Not to mention how beautiful the city looks once the rain lifts and we're left with a smogless skyline. Plus, we NEED the rain.
So rather than wish it away, I'm going to smile and say thank you...
Oh look, the sun's out!
Thank God! 

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