Friday, September 13, 2013


I believe in signs.
Primarily because I've relied on indicators throughout my journey.
I wouldn't walk down a dark alley alone if I saw two guys with knives hanging around on the corner;
That's a sign of more trouble to come.
Every time that I've struggled with my career path or a major life decision, I've asked God for a direction-
Clarity, guidance, strength, wisdom.
A sign so that I may feel comfortable with my choice.
The past three months have been rough on me; losing my grandma, career setbacks and financial fears.  I began questioning, doubting and giving into fear.  I allowed the opinions of others to control my choices.
I lost Faith in myself and God.
(I should mention that I don't believe in coincidence, nor do I doubt the presence of a spiritual being greater than me; God.)
So it's no surprise that I find myself once again humbled and grateful for the sign I received yesterday.
It didn't take much, just a simple reminder in the way of a Scripture I saw posted on Facebook:
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
It was a direct answer to the questions I had while silently meditating in prayer.
It's a sign that I must hear, accept and trust.
It was an answer to my question of doubt.

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