Saturday, June 16, 2018

Gym At Sea; June 16, 2018

A day at sea, Alaska awaits.

Ordinarily I loath people who workout on vacation;

Yet here I am running on water.

I suppose now that I’m forty I should try to be more concerned with my health whilst indulging on a journey of nonstop food and alcohol.

The swells toss our massive ship from side to side as I attempt to sweat on a low impact machine. (I miss yoga, but I attempt to find a meditative rhythm on commercial grade gym apparatus.

My heart beat is elevated and so is my breakfast—it nearly makes it back out the passage from once it came—then my timer goes off.

Forty-five minutes on an cross trainer, my job is done!

I was healthy today, so I have no guilt about the five meals I’m sure to consume before bed.

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