Wednesday, September 5, 2018

For My Sister on her Birthday

Her passionate, loyal, loving, opinionated, sometimes wild (but always grounded) disposition is admirable.

A one-of-a-kind character who can have me hysterical for hours with laughter—and on occasion anger—when her tell-it-like-it-is attitude catches me off guard.

I’ve watched her grow from a fearless toddler standing up to bullies on the playground;

To a confident, beautiful mom sharing unconditional love and wisdom with her gorgeous, talented, and intelligent daughter.

Always the defender of the underdog and never afraid to nurioush a stranger’s soul.

She overcame cancer and rose above a coma that kept her in the hospital for months fighting to regain her ability to walk, talk, and (thank God) laugh again.

I don’t always agree with her approach, but I’m always appreciative of her willingness to evolve.

Our bond is thicker than the shared blood that connects us; she is the Ethel to my Lucy—she allows me to steal the spotlight, she keeps me honest, and she’s always up for a crazy adventure!

I love you Shiree. Happy Birthday

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