Wiser words have never been uttered, at least not on reality television! Thanks to the ultra eccentric and super FabUless, style guru Dwight Eubanks from the “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” In regard to several of the reality divas “childhood dreams” come true (only because they have excessive amounts of their husband and or “Big Papa’s" money) and now a cable network show encouraging them to play dress up and pretend they had any other fantasy beside being rich and famous however they could- most of the women on the show, by marring an NBA or NFL players and spending all of their hard earned cash.
Originally the idea of this show was a fun slice into the elite women of Orange County… Now however, and in the grand tradition of Reality TV (already made celebrities included) these shows serve as a launch pad- off into a world of celebrity that we watch and laugh, not because the subject is so talented an artist or gifted in an area of expertise… Mainly, they are so desperate to have their name be known, that they would do and say anything that garners attention (with the exception of actually being exceptional at ANYTHING else.)
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate shows like “Top Chef”, “Project Runway”, and “Top Design” for the simple fact that almost always, everyone competing has talent and has worked at making their dream happen.
The women on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” are playing the part of a Hollywood star, and have nothing to back it up. They parade around in designer gowns, raunchy fake hair (Kim), excessive amounts of: make-up and jewelry and describe themselves as “Classy” while dropping the F-bomb in every conversation. Using words like “hater” to describe someone who doesn’t share similar taste, style and support of their un-talent.
I have two very dear friends, both of whom are from Atlanta. I would describe both as smart, strong, talented, graceful and yes… classy. I don’t think they have ever acted or behaved like these “elite” women on the show. Moreover, they both left Atlanta to pursue their goals and dreams… Both now have successful careers as artists. They made it without a husband, without any money and not because they wore designer gowns and went to “star-studded” celebrity fundraisers to “network…”
Two of the women on the show in particular have sparked my interest: Kim and Sheree. Kim, a separated mother of two has always wanted to be a country singer. Just don’t ask her to sing… because she can’t. Not that you can’t make it as a singer just for that small detail, many famous singers (some with Grammys) can’t sing too… The difference is they ALL tried. Kim sees no need to listen to a voice coach about technique… “That won’t matter when I’m in the booth…” It’s sad really, because she has fallen victim to the idea that you don’t have to have passion, talent or determination… just money. True, money will aid in looking the part and put you on a map but it sure as hell won’t keep you there.
Then there is Sheree, a would be fashion designer, who doesn’t sketch her own work, can’t sew and holds a viewing party for her new collection- minus the collection… None of the clothes were tailored to her satisfaction, which begs the question… Why? Maybe because the only contribution you made to “your” collection, was deciding whom to invite to this momentous event where even you decided to wear another designer’s gown- which speaks volumes for your work! At best, you are the most put together gal on the show, and could maybe be a stylist… Maybe!
So you want to be a “somebody?” I get it… I do. You have a dream or goal and believe it is your destiny to fulfill it? You have a special gift or talent that keeps you up at night hoping and praying that you’ll have a chance to achieve it. Or at least die trying…
But I ask:
What about hard work? What about taking classes to develop your craft and passion? What about eating Top Roman everyday for a year because that was all you could afford? What about crying in the stock room at your day job, because you’re so tired and still have to work four more hours before running to an audition? What about having only two days to come up with the $200.oo you’re shy on next months rent?
I know not every aspiring artist has had to work as hard, endure the same struggles or face the same obstacles. I also believe that there is no “right” way to accomplish any goal or dream.
However, I maintain that every single actor, dancer, musician, writer, director, painter, and designer… has shared in the dedication, hard work, rejection, and baby steps toward taking their passion from a childhood dream to a reality… Instead of sitting around praying for a reality TV show to come along and suddenly make them something they’re not! No amount of money in the world can give you talent… Money only offers the façade…

Please take note of the picture to the left for an example of the facade... Sheree to the left and Kim (fake hair and all...) to the right. Kim you can try to dress up like Dolly Parton... but you'll never have her class, talent or hair! This picture is courtesy of a fan photog and the world wide web.