Monday, June 13, 2011

Under Construction...

I guess I just have to accept that my life will always be like this.
I am a true work in progress.
Similar to the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles, I doubt that I will reach completion before my time on earth is up!
Every time I hit a pothole, I'm reminded that there will always be a need for resurfacing.
There are those days when everything clicks and falls right into place.
Then there are those days when I have to force myself into releasing my insecurities, and hope for the best.
I see the humor in an actor reminding himself to pretend to have a good day, even when everything feels overwhelming.
But the fact is, life can be as easy or as difficult as we make it- based on the choices we make.
When I choose to stay calm, focused and confident wonderful things happen.
It's easy to be happy living a full and balanced life when I'm thinking clearly-
Now if I could pay more attention to the road signs along my freeway of life.
Stop, when I see stop. Go, when I see go. Release, when I see release. Trust, when I see trust.
And remain clam when it's been a while since the last sign...
The destination is always clear when you keep the faith.

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