Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You've Gotta Do, What You've Gotta Do!

Sometimes I get to do things I love...
Other times I get to perform for a bunch of drunk police officers for their annual Christmas party!
Life is full of compromises.
If I want to pay my bills, wear nice clothes and eat...
I have to accept that I can't be selective in the job opportunities.
It's not the first time I've danced as a back up dancer for a bunch of drunk men...
Sadly, I'm sure it won't be the last!
But nothing has been as awful as the time I catered for a billionaire~
It wasn't so much the general disappointment that I was serving (instead of attending as a guest) at the most amazing party I've ever seen...
It was that the chef thought that it was okay to call me: "Tray Boy!"
Oh well...
That's life.  I take the good with the bad.
Face it, you've gotta do, what you've gotta do!

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