Monday, April 1, 2013

ReconNEcT Working! Week 12 & 13

Okay, so sue me!
I'm a little behind on posting my networking updates..
Nevertheless, I have been keeping up with my 2013 goal of sending good ol' fashioned letters.
The past two weeks have been more focused on Passover and Easter, I thought it made sense to reach out to family members.
Last week I reached out to my dads wife, she has been an incredible help taking care of my grandma, and I wanted to share how much that means to me.
This week I'm sending a note to my cousin Shelby for her 20th birthday!
I know she's a different generation, so I imagine a written letter will come as a shock! I'm pretty sure her idea of communication comes in short form Facebook and text message emoji!
Have no fear, I'm optimistic that US mail will never die!
Not on my watch.

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