Monday, April 8, 2013

A Trip Home- Day 1

I love spending time with my family.
In some regard it's as if time stands still between visits,
And then there are the moments of complete realization-
I've been gone for 16 years.
It happens so fast!
The hardest part is accepting that I made a choice to follow my dream,
Which meant missing out on so many wonderful occasions.
Thankfully, I still have the highlights.
My Gram's diseases is not one of them.
It is taking over her body;
Uncontrollable shaking,
Uneasy walking and speech.
A really bad tremor can last hours.
I can see her mind fighting it.
Her frustration builds.
Her heart and spirit remain unaffected-
That's the hardest part for me to watch.
I cannot change the past,
Nor can I change the situation...
But I can be present and remember to enjoy the positive aspects of the time I have here-
At home, with family and on earth.

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