Sunday, April 14, 2013


My trip home also gave me the opportunity to spend quality time with the rest of my family;
Particularly, my sister, niece, mom and dad.
I'm so proud of my sister-
She is raising a magical little girl. Kellyn is smart, outgoing, creative and has a huge personality!
(I'm not just saying this as a love-crazed uncle...)
My sister has survived cancer and continues to fight illness, while renaming strong and active. She is a warrior. I love her, and I'm gratified that we continue to build on our bond.
My mom is a bright light- always supportive, excited and positive about my achievements. She has been my cheerleader and confidante. Our friendship continues to soar. I'm most grateful for our "coffee talks." She's always dropped everything to come to my aid.
Dad- is my hero. He continues to be the constant force in my life. Reminding me, by example, that we can always give, love and do more.
Each trip home, my connection with my sister, mom and dad grows deeper.
I am blessed.

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