Monday, August 26, 2013

Annoying, Shitty, Downstairs Neighbor

When the annoying downstairs neighbor gets me down;
Playing music with the bass pumped up to full blast until 2 AM, four days in a row...
I don't get mad-
I wake up EARLY Monday morning, put my favorite tap shoes on, and start cleaning my house.
I vacum while choreographing a heavy time step,
I dust in the middle of my cramp rolls (extra loud on the heel drops.)
I empty the dishwasher in the middle of a shim-sham and belt out the high note in my best audition song!
Because the fact is, some people are just shitty, disrespectful, unaware human beings that think the world revolves around them.
Truthfully, I don't mind neighbors throwing a wild dinner party or holding a club night in their home, as long as it's not a nightly occasion.
But when it's day four of what sounds like Lady Gaga and Britney Spears wrestling over the last mound of cocaine-
I'm going to fight fire with HEAVY, syncopated tap combinations that involve rearranging almost every piece of furniture I own!

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