Friday, August 9, 2013

New York, Brooklyn?!

I thought the saying was New York, New York!
Nevertheless, I'm on a couch in Brooklyn visiting with my friends in the city.
Flashback to eight years ago, when I used to live in NYC, and you NEVER would have found me in Brooklyn! NEVER.
NOT because it wasn't safe, or hip, or cool.
It just wasn't The Big Apple!
When I was a kid growing up, I never dreamed about moving to Brooklyn-
No offense. It just wasn't part of the Broadway experience.
So after PLENTY of ribbing and clichéd jokes, I decided to give Brooklyn a chance...
I mean, I didn't really have a choice, that's where their house is, and I needed a bed to sleep in!
All I can say is that I was wrong.
Their tree-lined street is gorgeous. Their apartment is charming. The food and culture rivals anything I've seen in Manhattan, and they live right next to a spectacular park!
The only down side-
Two subway transfers and 20 minutes to get to midtown...

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