Friday, August 30, 2013

Just When You've Got it All Figured Out...

Reality hits.
You remember that life (no matter how much you fight it) is full of unexpected situations;
An opportunity comes along to perform on your dream TV show,
You get a phone call informing you that the wonderful job that you've been confirmed on, gets canceled- leaving you jobless for three months!
It happens.
It's life.
Dealing with the reaction to the news, positive or negative, is also a huge factor in the game of life.
I continue to learn, and relearn that life is a daring adventure,
Much like whitewater rafting.
One minute you're smiling, high on the rapids- dry and happy.
Then, out of nowhere, you're tossed out of the raft, into the violent water, and left praying that you don't get pulled under or hit a rock.
Somehow, you find a way to get back in the boat, and eventually back on top.
All you can do is fight for the things you want, and continue to say yes to opportunities.
You can't plan life-
But you can decide how to react.
Release the fear, and focus on how to rebound.
Stay positive and take action.  Every single step forward, is a step in the right direction.

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