Monday, October 19, 2015

Life. It's Hard Sometimes.

I consider myself a happy person.
I surround myself with positive influences in the form of affirmations and quotes (from people who are much wiser than I).
I meditate and improve my physical well being through yoga, healthier eating, and stress relieving exercises.
Still, some days I wake up in a negative space mentally and emotionally.
In those moments, I do what I can to remember that I have a choice.
Sometimes it works, and other times, I spend longer than desired in dark thought.
I can’t help wonder about my friends and family who actually suffer from depression.
Mental health is something that I take for granted, because I only find myself feeling sad or crippled with fear occasionally; it’s so overwhelming I feel like giving up.
Thankfully, I have access to the aforementioned tools to get me through a rough moment in my life. I realize I am fortunate that I don’t struggle beyond the infrequent dips in happiness.
So rather than focusing on my momentary laps in joy, I offer support, love, and positive energy to my friends who suffer from a serious disease.

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