Friday, March 4, 2011

Welcome March.

It's hard to believe that another Friday afternoon is here. With that,
the start of March.
It's true what my grandpa used to say when I was growing up, "The older you get, the faster it goes..."
I'm so grateful that I can still hear his voice in my head. In fact, he is one of the primary reasons I continue to push myself everyday to create and stay focused.
I remember having long talks with him in high school. He would remind me to use my time wisely doing something I love, and to enjoy every single moment! " is short Mattsky."
(Mattsky was my grandpa and grandma's nickname for me growing up.)
The beginning of this year started off rocky, but by mid-February I was able to snap out of my funk, and get back on track.
I had a blast shooting an episode of a new Disney television show, enjoyed creating another parody with my creative friends and last night I pushed myself back out onto the stage to do some stand up comedy.
I always forget how nervous I get before I do stand up... Honestly, I'm past the point of fearing what might happen. I get such a rush of adrenaline once I'm up there with that microphone. Of course I'm never at a loss for words. I'm happy that I decided to take another pass at stand up. It's so much better now than five years ago when I first started doing it.
I worried so much back then about being funny or what people would think of me and my stories. Now, I just stand up there and live in that moment. It's the perfect opportunity to express myself and share my craziness to a group of people who are ready and willing to laugh at our similarities and differences.
All things considered, I think my creative juices are flowing again...
I'm looking forward to the adventures that await me in March.

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