Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm Obsessed with TwitVid's!

There is no denying it! I'm officially obsessed with TwitVid's! Clearly it's true. I'm using a made up word to make it sound like it's a normal thing and everyone should start doing it!
Not in a crazy "drug pusher" kind of way- I just believe it's where society is headed.
Obviously I'm correct in thinking so.

People like Charlie Sheen, James Franco and Kirstie Alley are on board, so it must be a good choice. Once the crazy celebrities, gays and Scientologist are involved it's a sure thing!

Not to mention my friend Brooke just got back from SXSW and she said that the buzz on the scene was that Tweeting pictures: TwitPik's and Tweeting Videos: TwitVid's is going to revolutionize the entertainment industry and social media will rule the world!
(I'm not sure if that was her exact quote, but it was something like that...)
And trust me, Brooke knows her shit! So I want to get in on the ground up...

Even if it is driving my friends insane! What's a little insanity in the name of building an empire?

Take my friend- Former celebrity and future Reality TV star:
Michael Cornacchia- he understands the importance of social media:

Of course not everything may be worthy of a TwitVid...

Fortunately, Michael is a professional- so he's always got a great story up his sleeve to bring the crowds back around...

There's no telling how long this infatuation I have with Tweeting short videos that have no point is going to last. But I can promise, like any great addiction, I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it! Filming random drunk moments, celebrity encounters and every other fabulous opportunities that arise in Los Angeles... and I vow to share only the best of the best at FunnyShaffer on Twitter.

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