Monday, January 25, 2016

Be Happy

My grandpa used to say, “If you want to be happy, be happy. If you want to be upset, be upset.”
The lighthearted wisdom with which he spoke would encourage me to think rather than react in anger, which is what would happen if anyone else would try to talk me out of a bad mood.
I was never able to grasp the ability to, “be happy” as a teenager; I was too busy caught up in the need to express my disappointment.
My grandpa was the only man I’ve ever met, who was able to stay calm and smile through almost any circumstance.
Even on his deathbed he reminded me, “Don’t be sad Matt, I’m so proud of you.”
For grandpa, Faith and the power of making a choice was all he needed to accept everything that life delivered to him.
“Happy” is a choice.  It requires releasing everything that is provoking un-happy feelings––which is tough to do if you love the drama, but necessary if you want to find inner peace.

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