Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Freelander... I Don't Think So!

Do you think there's a rule in the universe that when everything seems to be going swell, and you finally have a little money that you're planning on putting aside-
Disaster sets in?
Even after moving into my new apartment, paying bills, buying some new furniture, and paying for my license and registration on my car... I had a little "pocket money" that I was so excited to finally tuck away into my savings account and earn some interest-
Just when the thought popped into my head, I heard a massive screeching sound from my the front breaks in my car.
Of course! I think there is some unwritten rule that anytime you get too delighted about finally feeling caught up... You have to pay a toll-
In this case the toll is: $452.oo!
Making me wonder why my car was named by the Range Rover company; The Freelander?
I think The Freeloader would be a better car title.

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