Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life Lesson Re-Learned In A Labyrinth

I walked through a labyrinth today-
It felt like a metaphor for my life.
Like the maze, when I first began my journey I really had know idea of the direction I was headed.
There are many twists and unexpected turns along the way.
At a certain point the path becomes clear and I begin to discover a great sense of self.
I start to realize that I've overcome so many dead ends and obstacles.
I was even able to stop, take a deep breath and reflect on a few of the amazing adventures I've had so far.
At that moment it dawns on me that I'm only halfway along the trail and I've already walked right passed my goal-
Separated only by the rules of the labyrinth.
It was frustrating and promising all at once...
On the one hand, I was annoyed that I was so close to the target, but had to continue along the maze until it was time to reach the end.
On the other, I was incredibly excited to remember that the goal is only a few steps away.

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