Saturday, October 15, 2011

Setback. Step Forward.

Life is full of setbacks;
One day you're up,
The next you're down.
Often I feel like I'm making such great strides in my life and career...
Then I take a blow. My ego gets bruised and so does my bank account-
Once I get my mind wrapped around the upsetting setback, I refocus and develop a new battle plan.
But what I remembered today-
What feels like a shitty set of circumstances is likely a blessing in disguise.
The universe has an amazing way of guiding us where we need to be, precisely when we need to be there.
If I wasn't forced to take a gig that I had no interest in working (other than making money) I would never have met a contact that has a shared interest in my passion and the means to help me get my project off the ground.
Proving yet again, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. No matter how hard I fight the obvious, I've learned that life is in motion and there are some things that I cannot control, I just have to trust that the universe will lead me to my next lesson. If only I could remember that in the thick of the setback!

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