Monday, January 2, 2012

Crazy. Stupid. LOVED IT!

My favorite part of vacationing at home is the time I get to spend with my family.
Though I must admit, it's not quite the fantasy I imagined returning home would be when I was a kid.
How could I know that my parents would get divorced, happily remarry and continue on with their lives?
How dare them!
As we eventually all discover, life is complicated.
It can't always be perfect.
However, with every passing day it becomes more clear that the beauty of life is in the imperfection.
Spending the day antique shopping with my dad and grandma-
A day with my mom and her husband; coffee, an afternoon watching football with beer and snacks, a delicious dinner made by mom, a surprise visit from my sister, her husband and my adorable niece, topped off with a heartfelt and entertaining movie...
"Crazy Stupid Love"
Which is also the inspiration for this blog entry.
The point, I'm grateful for my life.
I'm happy for the good, the tough and the unexpected. Most of all, I'm appreciative for my time at home with my family.

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