Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cultured By Brooke

I've mentioned her numerous times before, and rightfully so! My sophisticated friend Brooke has lead me on another intoxicating adventure... Brooke is as cultured as they come. Her personalized style and eclectic palate is refreshing and almost unheard of in L.A. (Let's face it, most people in Hollywood follow trends.) Somehow, Brooke has her finger on the pulse of what's hot, without being a "follower." Seriously- I can't even get her to Tweet the hilarious and off-the-cuff one liners that effortlessly explode from her lips! She's witty, gorgeous and the coolest chick you'll ever meet.
Tonight's journey involved a trip to the Echoplex in Silver Lake to see the dynamic band Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
People overuse the word "corky" however, in this case, I think it's an appropriate adjective.
The band features two missed matched guys with the perfect balance of stage presence and passion.
It doesn't hurt that their voices sound killer together too!
The bands sound is youthful and energetic.  But don't let that fool you... the nearly packed house was entirely mixed with young and old, men and women, gay and straight, hipsters and plaid wearing preppy's - all dancing (in their own special way) to Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.'s music.
I loved their heavy percussion full of rhythm and tempo changes.  In one song the lyrics promise to "take you there" and they really did! They push the audience past uncomfortable, into outrageously intense in the best way.
It was an excellent night. Rocking music and a night out with the fabulous Brooke Kivowitz!

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