Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Late to Bed, Early To Rise... It's a Producers Life

Waking up at 6 AM is not necessarily my favorite thing in the world to do-
However, if I plan to accomplish any of the goals I've set for myself
this week, I have no choice but to wake up when the sun begins to rise.
Don't get me wrong, waking up early has its advantages...
I get first pick of the pastries at Starbucks.
More importantly, I'm able to get twice as much accomplished.
I guess it's all part of the territory when you tackle shooting a parody for
our production company while helping to produce an event for the Sunset Strip!
No one said being a producer was going to be easy.
And it's certainly not my idea of fun;
But I'm sure I'll be proud of the work, 
once it's over and I'm watching the footage!

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